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Letter 87
Westport Jackson Co. Mo. Feb the 15 1874
Mrs Mage Hays
Dear Sister (21) as I have been thinking of writing to you for some time
but have had the headache and bad cold nearly all winter that I have not
felt much like writing but will not put it of any longer. I hope you will
pardon me for my long seeming negligence. I will try and do beter in the
future. I do not think there is any one that thinks of you any oftener than
I do & if we never meet no more on earth I hope we may meet in that blest
land where parting is no more. I supose Eda has give Fleda (22) all the news.
That cancer on Fathers (23) neck is still growing, he has had several doctors
doctoring on it, he is able to be up all the time now, he has gone home to
Bens (24) . He says he wants to die
in the same room that Mother (25) died
in. Meek Selfs (26) baby is a very prety. Meek is very poorly, she has got
the scrofula (27) in her neck, it is very badly swolen. Seat (28)
is going
to keep Meggie and Aron and Era the rest of the children (29) . Tell Jinnup
(30) that her Uncle Lin (31) and I were very glad to get her leter and song
ballad & she must write again. We will be very glad to hear from her
at any time, tell her she must write to Wily (32) , he is anxious to hear
from her but he thinks he cannot write good enough to write her yet. Well
Mag, Eda and I looked on the map today and saw where you lived. Mage when
have you heard from Nan Ervin (33) . Mage have you quit smoking. I still
have your old pipe for akeep sake, it still lays on the mantle. I never see
it but what I think of you.
Mrs Cunningham (34) has gone home. She
left directly after Christmas, I have not heard from her since, she made
me a Christmas present of a new calico
dress. I have just pieced me a new calico quilt and have 2 more commenced.
I have pieced me a bird trap worsted quilt since you left and have pieces
enough to commence another one. Times are very hard here, harder than ever
known before. Mage have you any grangers (35) in
California and what do you think of them any how. I dont know what to think,
they do for me to laugh
at, they say they are going to do great things, bring down the taxes. Tell
Jinup that Dixie Hays (36) has joined
the Cumberland Church down by Jimie Lobs (37) .
Mage do you ever hear from your sister Mrs dickeson (38) ,
they had the cholera (39) very bad in
Fayette (40) last summer. When have
you heard from your sister Letta (41) ,
tell Louis not to kill all the gees, to leave some feathers for some one
else, well it is getting late. I will
have to close by sending yourself, the girls, John, Will and Louis (42) my
love. Eada says she would write but she has got nothing of interest to write
as the news is all given so I will close, write soon, no more at present
but remain your ever loving sister
L.W.H. (43)
NB Tell Will and Louis that Miss Frank Hale (44) & Miss Bell Adams (45) is
still on the carpet and if that is not inducement enough to bring them back I
dont know what is. Write soon and often Laurinda (46)
Letter 88
Cass Co. Mo. Jan. 25, 1875
Richard Crump
Belton Cass
county MO
Mrs Margret J. Hays
Dear Aunt
I have been trying to here from you for some time but could not learn your Postofice
address. I saw Alfred Hays (47) the other day & he had received a letter & give
your address. I was very glad to here from you & learn that you are all well & well
pleased with the country. We are all able to be up this morning for the first
time for a month. We have had better health for two years than common but this
country has had two years almost intire failure in crops which has put me on
the move as I have not determand which way I shall move yet if I can Sell my
farm I will make a move some way this Season.
Mag I want you Louis (Utz) & Will (B. Overstreet) to write to me as soon
as you get this letter & give me the full history of that country in all
perticulars whither vally land table land hilly land bottom land timber land
preary (48) land with climate & seasons health & Society with all of
its changes & varyations when to plant & Sow all the productions of the
country & when to geather or reap & what is the more productive when
the rainy season sets in & when it end & what is the best season to emigrate
how far from the cost & where is your nearest Rail Road S.P. Station (49) how
fare & what direction. Give full particulars about everything relating
to the country.
Jan 25 1875
Give me the prices of the leading artickles what land is worth & whither
there is any land not yet taken up & what the chance to preempt (50) is
any wild animals (51) in there yet or Indians (52)
Eliza (53) is in better health than she has been for
years. She is busy ironing & cannot
take time to write any says she will write next time. Claton Bains (54) family
is all well. Uncle Amazon & Aunt Pap (55) has
been very sick but is getting better the rest of the connection are all well
so fare as I now. I wish you would
make some inquiry for Alfred G Hornbuckle (56) (wife's
brother) as we cannot here from him. Write as soon as you get this and oblige
your friend
Richard Crump (57)
Letter 89
Near Independence Mo
Feb 20th 1875
Mrs Margret J. Hays
Dear Niece (58)
Your very kind letter of December 31th was gladly received and we certainly
would have tried to answer it before now but owing to sickness have not been
able to
do so. I was taken sick the 7th of January and have not been out of my room
since, am much better now however can sit up some and hope to get out soon.
We were
glad to hear that yourself & family were well but sorry to learn of your
mothers afflictions, hope she had continued to improve and is well by this
time, would like so much to see her. Bear to her our love and kindest wishes.
has been a long cold winter and owing to the short crops raised last year
it has been very hard on a great many consequently times are dull and close,
early spring is hoped for.
In regard to your business since I have been sick I am not very well informed
but know this much that some of your friends are doing all they can to obtain
some money for you as early as possible and think they will suceed soon. The
business is still in an unsettled condition, would be glad if you could get yours
so that you could pay for your home and get it fixed up comfortably. You have
many warm friends here who feel a great interest in your welfare and are pleased
to hear that you are well satisfied and getting along as well as you are. I am
so glad that John (59) is the same good son he was when small. Tell him that
I can wish nothing better for him than he should be as good a man as he was a
Your Aunt Mary (60) went out to Colorado the first of last October, got back
home Christmas day. left them all doing very well. Lou (61) has another fine
boy, calls him William Briant (62) .
Yager (63) thinks he is almost a man now that he has a baby brother. I am
very proud of my grandsons and hope they may
grow up to be good men. Would enjoy it very much if I were so situated that
I could see them often, and you tell as you are grandma (64) , no doubt it
make you begin to feel that old age is creeping on. We would like to see
Bettie (65) , her husband and her boy
as well as John, Fleda and Jen Uppie. Remember
us kindly to them, to your brother Jack, Berry Yocum and any others who feel
an interest in us. Now Mag I ask as a favor from one who has always been
a kind neice that you will not wait on, be at all particular with us but
write as often
as you can ever remembering that your letters are a great source of pleasure
and information to us for through them we not only hear from your own family
but it is about the only news that we get from any of the other relations
in that country. All the relatives and friends are well as far as I know
of, but
few changes have been made since you left here. D & Mary Gregg (66) have
both been here since your letter came and told us to return much love to
you for them. They have charge of the County farm (67) now, the second year
and are
doing real well, children all well. Your Aunt Mary says as she likes to travel
about so well that she thinks she would enjoy a trip to Cal (68) to see all
the kin folk. With our best wishes for you all I remain as ever your Uncle
J. B. Yager (69)
Cousin Mag now for my say. I have been here six weeks. Pa has had a very hard
spell, was taken with Rheumatism in the joints and it went to his heart which
had already been diseased for some time. It was thought he could not recover
but he is mending now very fast. I think I'll go home the next time Henry (70) comes down, he comes every few days. Tell John, Fleda, and Uppie I would so love
to see them as well as yourself. Much love for all and will you sometimes think
of your cousin Rachel (71)
Letter 90
Independence Mo.
December 7th,1875
My dear Neice Margaret (72) ,
Yours of July 22nd was received in due time, just as I was on the eve of starting
to Colorado. I went out to see Will & Lou (73) ,
arriving at their house the 15th of August and spent some six weeks with them,
bringing Lou & the
Boy home with me when I returned, they are here yet but expect to return to Colorado
in a few weeks.
We were glad to hear of your & the children's good health, sorry that your
Mother is failing so fast. Your Aunt Mary's not very well now, but about as usual.
This week has been guite stormy. Considerable snow on the ground now, but 'tis
thawing very fast. We have had a very pleasant fall, with exception of one cold
spell in November.
You want to know about money, the banks (74) closed
here in September. Some have opened again and are yet going, but money is very
scarce. Times are harder what
I ever saw, it is impossible to get cash for anything. Land half of its value
now. In the settlement that was in progress when you, four hundred dollars ($400.00)
was allowed for your part but owing to the death of Sam'l Hays (75) the
estate has to wait its time before settlement. There has been no money collected
a poor show for doing so now. I sent you an Independence (76) paper
last summer. Have you ever received one. It is to go six months, you will excuse
me for not
writing oftener. You know my sight is poor & my time very much filled up.
Dont let this keep you from writing us often. Tell the children one & all
to write to me & believe me your true friend and Uncle. Give my best regards
to your Mother & Jackson & all my friends. I have the smartest Grandson
you ever saw. Yours truly
J. B. Yager
Dear Mag,
I will write you a few lines. I am tolerable well, this damp weather makes me
feel stiff. Mary & D Gregg (77) are well. Henry & Rache are at home.
Rache's health is very poor now. She is doing her kitchen work now. Lettie and
Frank moved out to Henry's farm, times are so hard. Henry thought he could not
keep anyone this year. It goes hard with her. You must be satisfied there for
times are very hard here. Lou & her little Yeager are here now. He is a great
boy in the family. Lou expects to go home soon. Mr Hamilton cannot come in & he
sent her & the baby home. Mary Cunningham is here now. We all expect to go
to Westport (78) tomorrow. Tell your Mother (79) (my
sister) that I would love to see her once more in this world, but if not we will
hope to meet in Heaven.
Tell each and all the children that Aunt Mary Yager often speaks of them & would
love to get a letter from all of them. Give my love & best wishes for one & all,
also to your brother Jackson. I will close. Write soon & often and I will
do my very best. Dont wait for me. With much love I remain your aunt
Mary J. Yeager (80)
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