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WilliamBurg Caliway Co. Mo.
January the 25/64
Dear Mother
Once more I am permitted to write a few lines in answer to a letter received
a few days ago. We are all enjoying good health at this time. Their is a great
deal of Sickness throug the country now, Sickeness, mostly pneumonia and Diphtheria.
I think our severe cold winter has been the cause of so mutch sickness. We
have had the coldest winter that I ever experienced. The old people say that
it was as cold some thirty years and in plums ago. We still have peace hear
but the country is full of negro recruiting officers. Some negros go and enlist
and get their arms and them get a furlough and go back home and stay untill
their time expires. If their Masters say anything to them they are cursed and
told that they are as free as they are. If any white person insults they have
them arrested and sent to St Louis. Negro familyes are leaving by wagon loads
ever day. All the harm that I wish them is that they were all in Liberia or
somewhere where I could never see one for they are all the cause of this war.
I heard from home a few days ago, all seems to be quiet now but farms still
being burnt up ever few days. Some few of my old Neighbors has mooved on their
homes to raise more crops to be taken from them. If I could have stayed at
home and saved my crops and hogs I could have made at least Six Hundred Dollars
of them but as it is I am Depending upon other people for a living, but I still
have hope of seeing a better Day ahead. I received a letter from Lin(1) yesterday.
He is in Nebrasky(2),
his family is still in Jackson(3) but
expects to go up their as soon as the river brakes(4) Up.
Lin wants me to come and live
with him,
insists very hard on me going up their. He says I have a great many friends
up their. They all advise me to go their but I will not go their for Lin has
done enough for me already. He is one of the kindest harted men on earth and
I do not feel willing for him to do any more for me as he has a very large
family to do for and all he has is made by his Summer labor on the plains(5).
I am still living with Amazon(6). We
have twenty three in family, his blacks is all with them, a great expence to.
Uncle Jemmy(7) family
is all well with the exception of him Self. His eyes is improving some little.
He can see to
walk about the house, he gets in a great way about going to California if his
eyes gets so he can see to go about. The last letter I got from you was part
writen to him. It did do him so mutch good when he told me about the offer.
Brother De(8) made
it, done him so mutch good that the tears would run down his cheeks. Henry
Harper, Rache(9) will moove to Jackson.
Mother I do not know what to do about going to California. Sometimes I get
to thinking about you and my Brothers. I think I will have to go yet it would
be best for me not to go this Spring, yet I do not say that I want go for if
Uncle Jemmy goes I will go. Mother my reason for not being intirely willing
to go is that I have had some money coming to me that my Husband left with
a friend South for me. He took several of his best horses and mules with him
when he first left home, sold them out their for a good price and left the
money for me to get as I went on to Texas, as it was then my calculation to
go out their. Since his death I have never had and opportunity of getting it.
Their was about a thousand Dollars left and since then has wages aught to have
been collected which would be more. Some of his Nephews is seeing to the buissness.
I have but little hope of getting it in time to go in the spring. If I go and
leave it I will get nothing. Mother I do not go in the spring do not feel too
mutch Dissapointed. Take good care of your Self, I still have hope that we
will meet again.
The children is still going to school, little Jennie Uppie(10) never
gets a piece of paper but what she says it is a letter from Grandma, she talks
as I can. She is a very smart child, groes very fast, is a pet with every one
that sees her. My love to my Brothers, Oh how bad I do want to see them. Amazon
and Cousin Pap(11) sends their love to you, they
are very kind to me. So fare well dear Mother from your Loving Daughter.
Mag J.
ps Mother I received a present of a ten Dollar bill in your letter whitch I
you very mutch for.
Margaret Jane
WilliamsBurg Caliway Co Mo Febuary the 24/64
Mr DeWitt C. Watts
Dear Brother(12)
Once more I have the pleasure of writing a few lines in answer to a letter received from a Dear Brother. I received the letter a few moments ago and you have not the least Idea how it Cheered me up to get it. I had what some people calls the Blews. I was so low spirited I almost imagined I was sick but your letter cured me. I almost feel like a new person. It had been so long since I had a letter from a Brother. Brother John(13) uste to write but has not writen for several years. I do not know why he never writes now. The health of the family is all well at this time. I am still living at Amberzons(14). Since I have been in this country I have met with a great many friends. Our country is quiet at this time, Negros leaving every day but I look upon that as a Blessing to our country if they would all go. A great Deal of talk of the Draft but I do not Believe they people will stand it. I look for troubble then. I look for more Gurrillers(15) in this country this coming season than has ever been throug the country. That is the only way the war can be carried on hear with success as Mo.(16) is so hemmed up, their can be raids made which is often done by Armies from the Southern part of this State. It would take a very large Army to make a Stand hear. Our people seems in Better spirits now than they have been for a long time. For my part I have a hope yet to See all things rited again.
Brother you spoke of me coming out their, i have thought all winter that I would go out this spring but see no chance for me to go now. I had about desided on going some weeks ago. Uncle Jemmy(17) received a letter from Uncle Nealy(18) beggin of him to go out their. He had made arrangements with a man hear to let Uncle Jemmy have money to go and Uncle Jem had a bout Desided on going. He was almost Blind though, he would go to St Louis and see the eye Dr their. They advised him not to go this Spring, thought it would be wore for his eyes, they thought it mite be six months before he could see well. He is now at St Louis, expects to stay some six weeks. If Uncle Jem had went he intended to make arrangements for me to go two. Uncle Dick(19) and family started for California some three weeks ago, went by the way of New York. Old man Hamilton(20), Mary and her Husband went with him. Hue21 is to pay all expenses. If I have had the money when they started i would have went with them. I thought it would be so mutch Cheeper to go by land, thought I mite get a chance to go in the Sprinng.
John Ed(22) is in prison in Alton(23), been their some eight months. Jemmy(24) was taken at Vicksberg(25), have not heard from them since. It has been near a year since I heard from Letty(26), saw her but once during these troubbles. She is somewhere in Kansas State. Eliza Dickerson has been to see me and since I came down hear received a letter from her a short time ago. Her family all well and our friends in Ky. Uncle Bill(27) has got to be almost a Rebbel, the rest all Union. Cousin Beverly Dickerson(28) was a rebell but was killed by some unknown person over a year ago. Cousin Mandy Springate is also one, she lives in Ilinois.
Brother we have had one of the coldest winter hear I have ever experienced in my life, for the last few weeks have had a very nice spell of weather, people beginning to Brake up their gardens. Brother I have nothing of interrest to write. Tell Mother(29) I received a letter from her last week, I get all her letters regular. Brother I wish you could see my Children. I have been sending three to school ever since I have been down hear. Jenie Upie(30) can talk as plain as I can, ever paper she gets she is going to write letters to grandMa on it. Tell Brother John when you see him I would like so much to get a letter from him, my love to him and also Cousin William Burton. Tell Brother Jemy and Jack(31) I should like very mutch to hear from them. My love to my Mother, do not let her get to Low Spirited. I yet have hope of meeting with her again. My Brother write often, you do not know how mutch pleasure it is to get a letter from a near and Dear Relation when a person is parted from all that Dear to them on earth. I must come to a close by Biding you Fare well from your sister.
Margaret J.
Mariposa April 17, 1864
Dear Dauter i set down this lonely Sabouth evning to try to answer some kind leters we have recieved from you & I am Almost Ashamed to write you for I no you have been uneasy About geting no answer before now. I must Apoligise for not writing sooner. I recieved your letter on my way Acrofs the mountain & was gone Six weeks whare thare was no pen nor paper & when i came home Dewit(32) had recieved one & commenced & answer but did not finish it & now the prodears are on hand & thaugt i would not put of eny longer. I have had a great deal of company ever since i came home I have some ladys from the vally neare Wade Hays(33). His family is well & he is going to Bois River(34) soon on bisnefs.
We are well & the Cuntry is very helthy as fare as no & in pease, tha taulk about Drafts but tha keep putting it of So meny times the people dont pay much atention about it, the worst thing we have to feare is a drouth, i think crops will bee very short if we dont have rain now very soon. thare has been a grate meny Stock died alredy & we had a very good rain & evry thing took a very good start but it is very worm & i think if we dont have rain we wont rais much. My dauter I was very Sorry when i heard you could not come but when we cant do eney thing we must try & think it may bee for the best. You only nose(35) what we are to come to for no one on earth would have ever thaugt our people & contry could have been in such a condition fore years ago as tha are & we must take things the best we can & trust that god will enable us to live thew all of our hard trials & see things better, tha cant bee as tha have been, we must bare them with as much fortitude as we can. My Dauter your Brothers did think you did not want to come heare & that was the reson tha did not make more arrangements to help you to come, now tha are very Sory you had not the means to come with Brother Richard(36). If he has landed we dont no it, we live a good wase from whare he would land, the boys is very Anxious to heare if he has got heare. I hope your Uncle may get his sight again & all land safe heare. I was inhopes you would get from that Broken up Cold Cuntry Before another winter. Dauter If you no eney thing we can do for you let us no all about, the boys has very good property. Jackson(37) has avery good Stock of horses, he will have over twenty young Colts this Spring & Cattle & a good mountain ranch & has made a good deal of Hay & it brings good deal of money evry yeare but if thare is a drouth it will bee very bad on the Stock & evry thing else, it is not a generl thing, Some parts thare very good crops, i must come to a close, I must say something to the Deare Children, I studied so much about them i did not no how to give up seeing them this Summer, when i would get a piece of calico i would get the whole piece i thought it would answer for the Children when tha came but if i should not live to see them i want the preant sent to them from thire old grandmar. Give my love uncles Cal Berry(38) Jr & Mary Verginia(39) Saly Eliza Pap(40) Amberson(41) & all the rest them.Farewell from your loving Mother
E. E. Watts
Marga her is my likenefs & Jacksons, he wont like me sening this likenefs, i no he had it-taken along ago, he has them in form for you, i dont want to send them, this was very much like him.
Williamsburg Mo. May the 29/64
Dear Mother
With pleasure I try to answer a more than welcom letter. It has been so long since I heard from you that I feard I would have bad News when I did hear. I also had two nice presents. Mother I do value them so high. I hardly know how to thank you for them. Now if I had the rest of my Brothers, Oh how I would be pleased, no presents in the world I would value higher than them Brothers. DeWitt(42) was so kind as to send me his a few years ago. I valued it so high that I carried it with me for the last three years for fear it would be taken from me. Minatures was things that was sure to be taken where ever they were found. In carrying it with me I cracked the glass that it was taken on it, it injures it some. As soon as school is out I will go up and have all the Childrens all taken for you. I can get them taken at Fulton.
Our country is tolerable peaceble in hear now but no not how long it will continue so. Their is a good many rebbels crossing the river into this country so reports says already had two or three little fites in crossing the river. Quantrill(43) is in Jackson(44) again as Mrs Green has made her appeearance enough for them to get about very well. I read a letter from up their this eavening, all expecting trouble. Mother I am wicked enough some times to wish I was a man, I need not tell you what I would do if I was one. Rachel and Henry(45) left hear last week for Jackson, Uncle Jemmy(46) came home from St Louis(47), Staid some two or three weeks, went back again a few days ago, his eyes is improving some. Aunt Mary(48) Health is not good. I am now keeping house, have a very comfortable little house to live in mySelf and the Children staying alone. I never lived alone before, it is very lonesome, i live next Door two Aunt Feeby(49) (Wades Mother). We are together a great Deal. She is living alone with her Negros.
I commenced this letter night before last, yesterday had company so I will try and finish it this eavening. Received a letter from Rach, she and Henry went about some two weeks ago. She says their is some of my friends in the country up their and acquaintences from Dixy. This eavening their was some thirty or forty Blue Coats(50) passed my Door. None stationed hear now, expecting them everday.
We have a very late spring, farmers are just getting through putting in their crops. I have a very nice garden, I tend it myself. I am doing my own work for the first time since I have been keeping house, last summer Mrs Cunningham lived with me and helped with the work. I get along very well, the people down hear have the most of their negro women and Children, men most all gone. I have some very kind friends hear. Amazon does all he can do for me, he is not able to do as mutch as he does to do justice to his own family. All the way he has of making a living is by keeping grocery. He went to St Louis a few weeks ago, he laid in his Summer Clothing for his family and gave me enough for the Children and mySelf. I have never wanted for anything yet.
Have you heard from Uncle Dick(51) yet, he promised to write to you as soon as he landed their. Aunt Jenny Berry(52) received a letter from them a few days ago. The children all sends their love to you, they all want to learn to write so they can write to you. Ever paper Jennie Up(53) gets is a letter from GrandMa. I must bring my letter to a close as I have nothing of interest to write. My love to my Brothers and friends and a large share for yourSelf. I will write again soon so farewell from your loving Daughter
Mag J.
Fulton Caliway Co. Mo.
September the 7/64
Dear Mother
I thought I write you a few lines in my Grandfathers(54) old house. I am now writing in the same old house that my old grand Mother(55) and father Dide in, the same old house that Brother Jack was Born in. There has been several additions made to the house, yet the same old house is still standing. Dear Mother I wish you were hear with me, what pleasure it would be but alas my pleasure days is gone. I am Doomed to see no more pleasure in this world. I have been from home near three weeks, I expect to stay with Uncle Ed(56) a week before I go home. My relations is all well. Their is a great deal of sickness in the country, there has been more Deaths than I ever knew in one season. Scarcely a day without I hear of some one being Burried.
Aunt Mary Yager has not returned from Jackson yet, she has been gone near eight weeks, expected to be gone only two weeks when started up their. She has been quite sick ever since she went up their with flux. Mother you heard that Dick(57) was killed some time ago. He was not killed then but poor fellow is gone now. Oh Mother it is hard to think of, he was wounded at Arrow Rock(58) in the head. He fell from his horse, did not come to hisSelf for some time, was run over by horses, brake one leg but was getting well of his wounds when he was come upon by the D..... They murdered him in a most cruel manner(59). It nearly kills his poor old father, his Mother I fear for her for she is sick and this news will go hard with her altho she has been expecting it. Dicks wife(50) and Chile is in Texas. I received the news of one of my husbands Nephews Death a few days ago, Sammy McMurtry(61). Sammy was mortaly wounded, got a Fed to write his Sister, before the letter was finished he was gone. All is quiet in this country, in Boon(62) and Howard(63) the Rebs is doing as they please.
I received a letter from Eliza D.(64) the day before I left home. The family was all well, the Boys could not stay at home. Their is a lady in her town by the name of Maupin from California, she says she was aquainted with you all, better acquainted with Brother De than either one of the others. She says if she had have new how times was hear she never would have come back. She sends her love to you all, to De particular.
Mother I have some photographs taken for you. They are not as good as I would have wished them to be, mine makes me appear a great Deal larger than I am. Betties(65) is Stooped over so mutch, Fleda(66) eyes was sore. Jennie Uppie(67) is very anxious to send you hers. The morning after I got them she says Ma I will take my hat and Step over to grandMa and take my likeness, want Grandma say little Jennie Up is pretty. I will have Johns(68) taken some other time. John Ed(69) sent his to Uncle Sam(70), he is still in prison at fort Delaware(71). Mother you said you would like to send me some things. If you do send me anything send them to St Louis, the care of William H. Chase and he will forward them on to me. Do as you think Best about sending them, I do not know what to do. My love to my Brothers and all enquiring friends. Uncle Sam and Aunt Eliza(72) sends their love to you all so fare well from your loving Daughter
Mag J.
I sent my Husbands photograph in my last letter.
Letter 58-a
(Note: the original of the letter has been lost; only a
typescript exists in the archives of the Missouri Historical Society,
Missouri History Museum. George A. Campbell was a private in the 12th
Missouri Cavalry, Shelby's Division, Confederate States Army.)
In Camp Shelby’s Division
Price’s Army near Pocahontes, Arkansas
September Twelfth, 1864
To the First Lady of our Regiment,
Mrs. Upton Hays
Westport (Jackson) Mo.
Dear Madam:
Since the boys are all happy at prospects of getting back home, we thought you might like to know how the members of your husband’s old regiment have been acquitting themselves. In the last of August we were camped between Tulip and Princeton along the railroad, when news came that Price would march into Missouri again with an army that would sweep everything. Hemeans to go through and stick this time. Our Brigade under our old Colonel Shanks, was the first on the move. By detour we were sent north of the Arkansas River to make a diversion and attract the attention of the Federal Army at ittle Rock and Devall Bluff, so that Price could cross the Arkansas River in safety at Dardanelle. In the first part of September we reached White River. Early one morning we drew ammunition, thirty rounds apiece. By next day break we had turned, and were now moving rapidly south to the Little Rock and Devall Bluff Railroad. Sometime before noon we reached a Federal Fort on the prairie with one hundred and thrity-seven Federal soldiers in it.
General Shelby Sent a messenger demanding their surrender. The officer in command rplied: “If you want this fort come and take it!” The upton Hays regiment, now commanded by Colonel Erwin, was ordered to take it by storm. We dashed forward in a sweeping gallop until within thirty paces of their breastworks; halted and dismounted, and made the charge on foot. There was a deep ditch about eight feet wide at the edge of the fort. We jumped the ditch and started for the top. They surrendered. On my right was a young soldier by the name of Bledsoe, pistol in hand, aiming to shoot a Federal soldier. I knocked the pistol up, pushed pu, pushed him down the bank and stopped him. The young Federal stood trembling like a leaf, the tears rolling down his cheeks.
While we were taking this fort, the Gordon, Smith and Elliot Regiments
moved eastward and surrounded a fort with three hundred and fifty men of the Fifth-sixth Illinois Infantry. When we arrived our artillery was
shelling the fort, General Shelby complimented us for our gallantry. He
said: “Now boys, you form here and act as spectators. While the three
regiments were closing in on the fort, from our position we could see a
strong column of Federal Cavalry coming to surround us in a fan-line
swoop. The men in the fort saw their friends coming to their rescue. They
jumped out of the fort and started to meet them. The old Upton Hays
Regiment was ordered to take them before they joined their friends. We
leaned forward in our saddles, and with cheers and yells on our lips, made
the dash and caught up as they were crossing the railroad. The writer was
riding a mule, and when we came to the track the mule refused to cross it.
I thrust my spurs so deep into his side he jumped clean over the track,
and ran away with me right into the Federals. They opened the way to let
me pass through. I could not account for my escape without it was their
admiration for the bravery of that mule, to whom I give all credit as I
was doing my best to hold him. I believe he did it in the spirit of
revenge for me spurring him.
The infantry surrendered to us, and in the confusion of hurrying the
prisoners to the rear, the Sixth Federal Missouri Cavalry formed for
battle in our front, and before we could get into line their bugle blew a
charge. We fell in to receive them. General Shelby dashed along our front
shouting, “Don’t give an inch, boys, or we will be cut to pieces; don’t
shoot until you can see their eyes.” The Upton Hays Regiment, a living
wall of courage, formed to receive the shock. The Federal Cavalrymen slung their Sharps rifles over their shoulders, drew their sabers, and with a cheer they charged us with naked swords. To hear their shouts, the roar of their horses’ feet, and see the glitter of their sabers in the sunlight,
would have struck terror to any but seasoned veterans. We allowed them to come within fifty paces of our line when we opened fire. In all my soldier experience, I never saw so many saddles emptied in one fire. It paralyzed them; they checked to a dead standstill. Seeing their confusion we gave a yell and charged them. They fell back in complete rout. I am satisfied they outnumbered us two to one. Before they could reform with their reinforcements coming up, the Gordon, Smith and Elliott regiments were lining up on our left, and there ensued a hot conflict. Lieutenant Warren D . Stone from Liberty was killed by my side. I helped to lift him in front of Luther Overbeek (Overbeck) of Platt, so he could be carried to the rear. It would be hard to say which was the most gallant Captain
comman(d)ing a company, but will say that none could surpass Robert Adams, leader of the “A”. He is brave to a fault, and is as gallant a Knight as ever vaulted into the saddle.
Bubbling is every heart is the hope of home regained, and a victorious South.
With assurance of highest regard,
From every member of-
The Old Hays Regimenr
By George A. Campbell
This letter forward by a trusted messenger.
William Burg Oct the 27
Dear Mother
Once more I am Blessed with and other opportunity of writing a few lines to you in answer to a more than welcom letter. It has been so long since I had heard from you that I almost imagined that I could not stand it. We have had no mails hear for the last two months on account of the troubbles in our country. I feared I would not have the chance of getting any more letters from you, had concluded to write to you and get some friend to take it to another post office. Oh ! Mother I do wish I could give you a full history of the troubbles of our country but it will not do. But I will say this mutch that the country is full of Confederates(73). Mother we have troubbles hear but I am not low spirited. I look foreward to a better day coming. If you do not get letters from me as often as you ought to, think it is fault of the mails for they are very uncertain. Mother I have friends hear that will not let me want for anything. I have a very comfortable house to live in, plenty of wood hauled to my door with out cost, also a great deal of provisions furnished for me. I have never wanted for anything to eat nor never will as long as anyone else had, mySelf and children have very good comfortable clothes, I have have some money give to me, so you see Mother I want for nothing now. I dont want mutch (that is a surplus of anything) so Mother if you and my Brothers have anything for me keep it a while for me. All I want now is what I can eat and wear, we know not one day what troubbles we will have the next. We are having almost as mutch excitement hear as I have been uste to when I was at my own home. I have been uste to all kinds of troubbles so it does not go so hard with me as others hear that has no experience in troubbles. Mother you do not know how thankful I am to you and my kind Brothers for your offers of help. I shal be glad to except them after a while. If you was to send anything now, it is very doubtfull about me getting it and if I was to get anything it might be taken away from me and that would almost kill me.
Amazon has gone to St Louis, Linvill has gone another direction(74), his family lives next Neighbor to me, my own Brothers could not have been kinder than they have been to me. Mother have you received mine and the Childrens photographs, I sent them when I was at Fulton, I was up their five weeks visiting. I also wrote to you on my Birthday. Uncle Jemmy(75) has been very low with flux but is now mending. A great many with flux all through the country. Uncle Bob(76) has married, he has married a cousin of my husbands Emma Scholl(77). Mother John Ed is still a prisinor. Jemmy is still in the country hear, he came in with old pap Price(78) (that is the old general). I have not seen him but some of his friends he came in with. He sent a great deal of word to his father thinking he was hear. Uncle Cale(79) has had to leave his home, I do not know where he is at. Our relations is all well so my love to my brothers, a large Share for yourself so fare well from your Daughter
Mag J.
WilliamsBurg Caliway Co. Mo.
Dec the 31
Dear Mother
As you see by the Date of this letter that my thoughts is with you, today is your Birthday. Not many moments past today with out me thinking of you. We are all well at this time and trying to enjoy ourselves as best we can. I received a letter from you about a week ago, I get your letters regular now. We have some quieter times now than we have had. I think the excitement is over now untill Spring. Their is and order(80) out now that causes a good deal of troubble among the people but I do not believe it will be carried out untill Spring. The order is about the same as order number 11, the order that sent the people from the Boardering Countys over a year ago. Some is makeing preparations to leave now. I do not think their will be any banished, excepting the families of those that are in the Rebble armies and those that is known to have aided in the Rebelion. As for mySelf i have but little care where I am sent, I would find friends of my Husbands all most in any Direction that would not let me want for anything and for enjoyments of this life I could enjoy my self as well one place as another so I could hear from you all.
Mother I did not finish my letter Saturday night so I will write a few lines more. Chrismas holidays is now over with and I am not sorry. It seems like a calm after a hard Storm, the children all at school and no Drunk Negros in town. It seems so quiet now, a great many of the negros is going to moove their families off, others is wanting their owners to hire them but few will do it. The people is generally glad to get shet of them. The health of the people is generally good through the country. I was up at Uncle Sams two weeks ago, they are all well. Saw Uncle Ed in Fulton, all sent their love to and my Brothers. Uncle Sam is trying to get John Ed released. Jemmy(81) was in hear in the raid, he sent a great deal of word to his father not knowing that he had left hear. Aunt Mary has returned home from Jackson, she left Lou(82) to spend the winter with Rachel. She saw Jane Young(83) and Willy, they moved to Kansas City after the raid, it was thought her Husband was killed at Independence over two years ago but she found it to be a mistake. She saw him but not over ten minutes. She has two children besides Willy. She was robbed of all her stock, she was then living at Santa(84), would have taken everything she had if it had not been for some of her friends. Their excuse was she had seen her Husband, that he was with the army. uncle Cale(85) is now at home, he was not allowed to stay because his sons is out. He staid from home some three or four months, he then came home, he is very feeble. He said if he had to Die he would Die at home.
Mother I have a great many kind friends hear, I have plenty to eat and wear. I can get along hear very well if I can be allowed to stay hear. Laurenda(86) sends her love to you also Cousin Pap and Am. Aunt Feeby(87) sends her love to you, write to cousin Wade and tell him that Aunt seldom ever gets a letter from him. She wants him to write to her, she is expecting every day for her Darkeys to leave her, she will then be entirely alone. She is very anxious to hear from Van and also anxious to go to California if she had company that she could depend on to take care of her.
Mother you and my Brothers has offered to send me some means to healp along. I did not wish to send to you for healp as long as I could do without but if you have anything to Spare I would thankfully receive any present that you would send. If I was sure I could stay hear I would try to do without help for a while. I do not know where I may be sent so I would like to have a little means with me. It has been my intention to go to Texas this winter with a friend of mine. They promised to bear all expences if I would go but now I am almost afraid to go for fear I would not find my Children where I left them, as I would not have taken but my Babe with me. I could get their I could get some means that is coming to me their. Mother if you send me money you can send it hear to me in a Draft, whatever kind of money you send let it be spsafied in the Draft. Send the draft in a letter to this place, that is the way that Hue Hamilton sent his money. My love to my Brothers and all enquiring friends so fare well from your Absent daughter
Mag J.
ps Aunt Mary sends her love two you, she wants to write but cannot. When she commences she gets so Nervous that she cant write. Uncle Jemmy has gone to St Louis, his eyes is so he can see to get about without any troubble. They are living jest across the street from me. Aunt sends one of Dicks photographs, it was taken from a minurature which was taken five years ago. so farewell from your loving daughter
Mag J.
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Franklin - Email: Watts Hays Letters
Revised 9/2006
![]() "Black Jack" issued 1863 |
1861 - 1865 Section: The Civil War Letters 54 - 60: 1864
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