Footnotes for Letters 36 - 44: 1861 -1865 - The Civil War Years (revised 11/3/2006)
Keep this reference page open as you read letters 36 - 45.
Letter 36
1. 1862
2. Elizabeth Watts (1795-1876), Margaret's mother.
3. Linville Hays (1821-Before 1910), Upton's brother.
4. Mariam Hays McMurtry (1826-About 1880), Upton's sister.
5. John Nathan Hays
6. Mary Elizabeth Hays
7. Samuel Hays (1824-1872), Upton's brother.
8. Amazon Hays (1820-After 1880) Upton's brother.
9. Saline Co., Missouri to the east of Jackson Co.
10. Kansas Abolitionists
11. Col. Upton Hays (1831-1862)
12. Price’s Army of Missouri State Guards.
13. Blue – the Mt. Pleasant area of northern Cass Co., Missouri
14. Richard D. Berry (1809-1863). The family lived in the Mt. Pleasant area of Cass Co.,
Missouri and had lived next door to the Watts family. He was a cousin of Elizabeth
Watts. He was killed by Kansas marauders in 1863.
15. Vaughn
16. Keeney – The Keeneys had been neighbors of Margaret and Elizabeth
Watts when they lived in the Mt. Pleasant area of northern Cass Co., Missouri.
17. Clayton Bane (1823-?), also in the Mt. Pleasant, Cass Co. area was married to Margaret’s
sister-in-law, Martha Moore Yocum Bane. Margaret’s nephews, Travis and
Matthew Berry Yocum lived there with their mother.
18. William Bryant (1795 – 1861). The family lived in Jackson Co. on
the border of Cass Co. One son, George was married to a relative, Elizabeth
Lobb, and another son, Chapman , was married to a friend, Susannah Guthrie
19. Burney. The Burneys had also been neighbors of the Watts in Mt. Pleasant.
A son, James Adam Burney was married to Margaret’s friend, America Drucilla
20. Quill (Aquilla J.) Davis (1816-1896) He and his wife Elizabeth Burney and
children lived in the Mt. Pleasant, Cass Co., area
21. Black Republican or Abolitionist
22. Samuel Hays
23. James B. Yager ( 1809-1883) Jackson County Judge and former Missouri State Representative. He was married to Margaret's mother's sister, Mary B. Berry Yager and was also a consin of her mother.
24. Dick was Richard Francis Yager (1839-1864), Uncle Jemmy Yager’s son, became
a 2nd Lt. Of Co. K, 12th Missouri Cavalry. He joined Quantrill’s Guerillas
after his and his father’s houses were looted and burned by Jayhawkers.
25. Richard Yager’s wife was Martha J. Muir and her father was probably
William Muir who had a farm near Independence. She was a reative of Upton Hays.
26. Jane Upton Hays (1862-1945)
27. Laurinda and Linville Hays. The child was Linville Wiley Hays born 7 Jan
28. Rebecca Berry Hays (1828-1873), Margaret's cousin and sister-in-law. The child was Louisa D. Hays born 7 January 1862.
29. Mary Cunningham
30. Pregnancy
31. Elizabeth Ewing Berry Yocum Watts
Letter 37
33. Upton Hays to Margaret Watts Hays
34. Amazon Hays
35. Mary Cunningham
36. Peter Lewis Utz (1831-1915). Upton hired him to stay with his family during the Civil War. He emigrated to California and lived with relatives of Margaret and in 1891 married Upton's niece, Mary Agnes McMurtry (1842-1916)
37. Actually a daughter
38. Upton was serving as a Lieutenant Colonel, Company E., 1st Regiment, with the Missouri State Guards.
39. Probably Darius Gregg (1836-?) a friend of Upton's who lived with his wife Mary and their children near Independence.
Letter 38
40. General Price had retreated with the Missouri State Guards to Arkansas.
41. Margaret Jane Watts Hays
42. Peter Lewis Utz
43. Mary Cunningham
44. Samuel Hays
45. Andy (1842-?), a young slave
46. Kenford
47. in Cooke Co., Texas, north of present day Dallas.
48. Ft. Smith, Sebastian Co., Arkansas.
49. Money owing him from his business as a wagonmaster.
50. Alexander Jackson Majors (1814-1900) Most famous for founding the Pony Express, he was a Jackson Co., Missouri business man who was a freightor. Upton had worked for his firm of Russell, Majors and Waddell as a wagonmaster. (see for a brief history of his life.
51. Col.
Upton Hays to Margaret Jane Watts Hays. In March 1862, Union Major-General
Halleck issued General Order Number 2. This order charged General Price
with having issued military commissions to certain bandits” who
were being sent to form guerilla organizations in the State of Missouri. It
further declared that all members of such organizations as outside the rules
of warfare. These men would not be treated as prisoners of war, but
rather would be summarily hung or shot, as the case often proved. Commanders
of neighboring districts quickly issued comparably ruthless orders. (Missouri
Division, Sons of Confederate Veterans).
Letter 40
52. Elizabeth Watts
53. Missouri men who had banded together to oppose the depredations of the Jayhawkers who were raiding from Kansas.
54. William Quantrill (1837-1865) He led a band of Bushwackers on a series of raids into Kansas and was declared an outlaw by the Union Army. He became a Captain in the Confederate Army in 1862. He was closely associated with Col. Upton Hays and quite a few of his men came from Hays' 2nd (12th) Missouri Cavalry
55. Feds Union Troops
56. Germans immigrants
57. On June 14, 1862, Captain William E. Leffington, 1st Iowa Cavalry, reported that Lt. Raney had a skirmish with the rebels. “The rebels were commanded by Colonel Upton Hays, whose shoulder is broken, and he is a prisoner at Butler. Captain Ballard and 3 privates are also prisoners at that post.” (Official Records, Series 1, vol. 13, Part 1, Missouri-Arkansas Campaign, This was most likely another man who was mis-identified by the Union officers, a not uncommon occurance.
58. General Stirling “Old Pap” Price (1809-1867)
59. Linville Hays
60. John, Betty, Fleda the older Hays children
61. Jane Upton Hays
62. James B. Yager
63. Clayton Bane. He joined the Confederate Army.
64. Travis T. Yocum ( 1844-1862), Margaret's nephew.
65. Thomas A. Yocum (1840-1862), Margaret's nephew.
66. John Edward Berry (1842-1836), Margaret's nephew. (see the publication "Freeman at 100" for a personal account of his Civil War activities.)
67. James Samuel Berry (1840-1916), Margaret's nephew.
68. Gen. Sterling “Pap” Price (1809-1867)
69. Richard C. Berry
70. Mrs. Duncan. Probably Mahala Foster Duncan (1806-1866) of Mt. Pleasant, Cass Co., Missouri.
71. Elizabeth Ramsey Berry. Her husband, Richard D. Berry had been killed by Jayhawkers, 22 Mar 1862 at High Blue, Cass Co., MO.
72. Charles Duncan (1799- 1866)
73. Probably Redmond (Redman) Duncan (1842-?) a son of Charles and Mahala Duncan.
74. Richard Francis Yager's wife was Martha J. Muir Yager (and their daughter, Mary Louisa Yager). Her parents were probably William and Matilda Davenport Muir.
75. Uncle John Berry had died in 1854 but three of his sons, Caleb Ewing Berry, Lt. James Tate Berry and Sgt. Robert Mitchell Berry served in the Union Army during the Civil war. They lived in Osage Co., Missouri.
76. Black Republican loyal Union supporters.
77. Caleb Ewing Berry (1831-1861)
78. Margaret Mitchell Berry Dunham. The sons were probably John, Caleb, Edward and Samuel Dunham.
79. Able bodied men were required to serve in the Union Army.
80. George Washington Rowland
81. Lawrence, Kansas
82. John Bunyan Rowland
83. Rev. Andrew Gray Nugent (1817-after 1880) of Cass Co., Missouri led a State Guard (Union) company.
84. Eliza Watts Dickerson (1813-after 1900), the wife of William R. Dickerson of Fayette, Howard Co., Missouri. Margaret referred to her as "sister". She had five sons old enough to have served in the Civil War: Warrington, Marion, Grant, John and Paul.
85. Capt. Robert Mitchell Berry (1818-1913) led a company of Missouri State Guards (Confederate) from Callaway Co., Missouri
86. James B. Yager
87. Col. Upton Hays was recruiting men for the Confederate Army.
88. William F.(T.) Burton (1824-1903), a cousin of Margaret's..
Letter 41
89. Major General Thomas C. Hindman (1828-1868), Confederate Army
90. Capt. James B. Simpson (1811-1869), 12th Missouri Cavalry. Because of his age he was used as a messenger and spy. Captured in 1863, he was imprisoned until the end of the war. (Bonnie Simpson Velko, Allen Simpson and his Descendents,, 2003)
91. Capt. William Clarke Quantrill (1837-1865) The famous leader of a Partisan Ranger company, Quantrill's Guerilla's. Upton Hays turned over the command of the Jackson Co., Missouri, Partisan Rangers to Quantrill in 1862 and many of Margaret's and Upton's relatives served in his command..
92. Richard Berry (1835-?) the son of Margaret's Uncle Caleb Ewing Berry and Upton's brother-in-law or Richard C. Berry, Jr. Margaret's uncle..
93. Frank Thomas was a partner of Upton.
94. Samuel Hays
95. Colonel of the 2nd Missouri Cavalry, Confederate States Army
96. Heineman
97. Arkansas
98. Newtonia, Newton Co., Missouri
Letter 42
99. bed
100. Dr. Pleasant John Graves Lea (1807-1862) of Lees Summit, Jackson Co., MO
101. Mrs. Duncan. Mahala Foster Duncan (1806-1866)
102. Redman Duncan (1842-1888). A son of Mahala Foster and Charles Duncan.
103. General Stirling Price, CSA
104. Thomas A. Yocum, Travis T. Yocum, James Samuel Berry, John Edward Berry
105. Richard C. Berry
106. Battle of Independence, Jackson Co., Missouri, 11 Aug 1862 (
107. Battle of Lone Jack, Jackson Co., Missouri 15-16 Aug 1862 (
108. General (Old Pap) Price, CSA
109. Letty Watts Rowland
110. Eliza Dickerson
111. Richard Francis Yager
112. Martha J. Muir Yager
113. Mary B. Berry Yager
114. Mary Elizabeth Hays
115. George Bryant
116. Elizabeth Ann Lobb Bryant (1840-?), Dick Yager's cousin and a distant relative of Mararet.
117. Mary Agnes McMurtry
Letter 43
118. Col. Upton Hays On September 12, 1862 he was killed while leading his men toward a Union Army picket near Newtonia. According to his men, he spurred his horse ahead of and out of sight of his troops taking only one man, Si Porter, with him. Porter reported that Upton Hays charged directly at the picket who raised his rife and fired. Upton's pistol misfired, and the sentry's bullet hit him in the head. He was buried by his friends near Newtonia. The Union flag he had taken at Westport was used as the lining of hes coat and was buried with him.
119. Linville Hays
120. Samuel Hays
121. Thomas A. Yocum
122. Travis T. Yocum
123. General Price, CSA
124. Battle of Corinth, Mississippi 3-4 October, 1862 (
125. James Samuel Berry
126. John Edward Berry
127. Clayton Bane
128. Missouri
129. Jane Bowlar Yocum Young (1827-before 1880), her husband was William W. Young and she was the widow of Margaret's half-brother Jesse Yocum.
130. Missouri
131. Richard Francis Yager
132. John Berry
133. Caleb Ewing Berry
134. ElizaC. Watts Dickerson, her four older sons were Warrington, Marion, Grant and John B. Dickerson.
135. Van Hays (1820-1864), Upton's cousin.
136. Phebe Stevens Hays (1791-1886), the widow of William Hays, Jr., Upton's uncle.
137. Seth Hays (1811-1873), Upton's cousiin, had a trading post at Council Grove on the Santa Fe Trail.
138. New Mexico Territory
139. Eliza Wilcox Hays Word (1820-1902) of Fort Smith, Sebastian Co., Arkansas, Upton's cousin.
140. Letty Watts Rowland (1821-1910) Margaret's half-sister.
141. Dick Berry
142. Alfred Hornbuckle. His sister was married to Richard Crump, a cousin of Upton's
142a. Dogtown (Magalia), Butte Co., California (see for the history of Dogtown)
143. Richard Samuel Kimberlin (1809-1862)
144. Henry Farmer
145. Cass Co., Missouri
Letter 44
146. Travis T. Yocum
147. Thomas A. Yocum
148. Linville Hays
149. Sam Hays
150. Jane Upton Hays
151. John Nathan and Mary Elizabeth Hays
152. Probably William F. Burton
153. Mary Cunningham
154. Laurenda Holloway Hays (1827-1890), Margaret and Upton's sister-in-law, married to Linville Hays.
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