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March the 26(1)
Dear Father & Mother
I take the presant opertunity of writing a few lines to let you know that
we are all well at presant. We have received one letter since we returned
from Caliway(2), it was dated January the
1. I was very glad to hear from you all for it had been a long time since
I had heard though the time appears
longer to me when I dont hear from you all than it really is. We received
three papers from you week before last. I saw in one that you wer all well.
We had a beautifull winter and a very pleasant Spring. So fare the perrairs(3) is beginning to look green in the botoms, stock could live very well. People
is beginning to break up their ground for oats, some has had potatoes planted
for three weeks, wheet crops look fine.
There is a great many people fixing up to go across the plains and Upton
among the rest. He has not decided whether he will go across to Salt Lake
or Mexico(4). He had rather go to Mexico. They think that cattle is going to
bee mighty scarce and high prices of everything is down excepting work animals.
It is thought that they will keep up their prices for some time yet. Money
is mighty scarce, their is more people braking than ever I heard tell of
The health of the people is good at present. Their is som few cases of newmony(5) fever.
I heard from high Blue(6) yesterday, the
people were all well then. Mary Cumins(7) as
uste to be is Dead, she married Alderson(8).
She left two children. Old Aunt Polly Burton is Dead, she has been dead very
near two months. Mary
Hammelton(9) was laying very low last week,
she was not expected to live. They were all well at Georges(10) last
Sundy. Jane Yocum(11) is married, she married
about two weeks ago to William Yong(12),
a nephew of Saul Yong(13). She has moved
home. Larrinda Hays(14) is very sick and
also her babe is near three weeks old, it is a son, they call it Eugene(15).
This is her third child since you
hear. Becky Poteet has four. Cousin Pap(16) has
four, her youngest child was a boy, it dide. It was the age of Larrendys(17).
Amberson(18) is now down in Caliway, he
expects to cross the plains this summer. Sam(19) has been out South for over
two months buying up cattle. Father, John
is now learning his letters, he thinks that he will soon be so that he can
write you a letter. Bett can say anything she pleases. Father I must bring
my letter
to a close
as Mr Hays is getting in a hurry to start to town. Excuse this letter for
I have not been but a few moments writing it. Mr Hays sends his love to you
Mother, tell Brother Jack that Mr Hays took Henry(20) down
to Independence to sell him. He would not go for more than one hundred and
80 Dolars and
brought him back home. He had got so contrasy that we could not do anything
with him. I think that someone had put him up to it. They thought that they
could get him to cutting up Mr Hays would sell him for a little or nothing.
He got dissatisfied and wanted to go to town. Their was a while that he was
afraid of Mr Hays but he found out that Mr Hays would not whip him, he would
then do as he please. He says he wont whip and old negro. I perswaded him
to sell him as he wanted to be sold so bad. He was afraid that you would
not like it and he hated to do it. He went and talked to Uncle Jemmy(21) about
it. He thought it would be write(22) with bouth of you. He said if had been
him he would have sold him some time ago for he was doing no one any good.
Brother Jack write to me soon, I want you all to write, give my love to my
Brothers when you see them, so fare well to you all from your affechonate
Margaret J. Hays
to J. S. Watts
E. E. Watts
[First part of letter lost] [May
we have a very late spring but very little warm weather, a great deal of
rain. Small grain looks well, wheat is headed out and in bloom but it is
feared that it will take the rust being so mutch wet weather. Oats and
meadow looks fine, corn is beginning to come up a little. The first that
came the frost cut down. Now their is a little cut worm that is cutting
it down. It is not as healthy hear as has been, their is such suden changes
in the weather though we have had no fatal sickness in our neighborhood.
John does not have his sick spells as often as he uste to, I think that
he is out groing them. Betty has never had any sickness worth speaking
about. She is the fleshiest little thing you ever saw and always at some mischeif.
She goes anywhere she pleases and talks almost as plain as anyone. Her
and Johns eyes is about the same culler, they are
blacker than mine.
I heard from Uncle Dicks family a short time ago, they were all well. Aunt
Becky has three children, Hugh, Mary Jane, Charles Richeard(24).
I have now saw Jemmy or John(25) since
last Summer. The last time I heard from George Rolands
they were all well, they are building a new house. Jane(26) is
living on her old farm, I have not saw her since she was married. They are
all well at
Uncle Jimes(27). I saw Aunt Mary(28) yesterday
eavening, Rachel(29) was jest getting home
from St Louis, her health is getting good again. Dick(30) has
taken a train across to Santefee. Louise(31) is
going to school at Westport. Uncle Jemmy is
staying at home this summer. Amberson and Linvel(32) is
both going across the plains this summer, they will start this week. Amberson
has already sent
one train out. Sam has been at home since January, he has been out on Arkensaw
and Texas buying up oxen. They look for him home the 10 of June. Cousin Becky(33) has
another Daughter(34), it is about three weeks old.
Mother I received a present from you a short time ago and also a letter. Mother
you have no Idea how thankfuly I received those presants. Mother I have nothing
to send you in return excepting my thanks to you for those tokens of love. Mother
if I could be with you to wait on you and comfort you in your old age then may
be I could show you my love to you for all the kineness and trouble you have
been to for me. Father how oft do I think of the times that I uste to sit on
your knee and comb those gray locks of yours, then I think of all the kindness
you have been to for me and all the return I can make to you is a few lines once
in a while, it is not enough to make me sad once and a while. Altho Father I
can say that I have as kind a husband as anyone has got and two as sweet little
children but still that dont keep anyone from thinking of those loved ones that
is off in a forren(35) land, those that you would always have with. But Father
we never meet in this world let us be prepared to meet where their is no more
So Fare well from your affectionate Daughter
Margaret Hays
John S. Watts
E. E. Watts
July the 19/58
Dear Husband(36)
You will be surprised in receiving two letters so near together.
I wrote to you Saturday and sent the letter to Russell for him to send on to
you. I thought that it would be very uncertain wheather the letter would go or
not. Uncle Jemmy sent me word to write to you this morning and send it in to
Foglesons(37) and you would be sure to get it and I
thought it would not go amiss even if you got both, that is if you are as anxious
to hear from home as I am
to hear from you. We are all well at this time excepting John, he is not well,
he looks worse than you ever saw him, he is so very poor. He is not near as heavy
as betty. He has not had as many sick spells this summer as common.
Their is a yong man hear that met with a very bad axident Saturday eavening.
We have two yong men hired to work through harvest. They both went to town Saturday
morning and came home in the eavening Drinking. One of them had wrode the little
mule. He came up to the house and took off his saddle off and the other one got
on it to wride down to the barn. The mule got scared and threw him and broke
both bones of his arm and mashed the bone all up. The Dr had been to see him
twice. He is so hard headed that we cant keep it bound up. I bound it up a few
moments ago, it very badly Swolen and I fear that he will loose his arm if not
his life by it.
We have a good many hands in the oats mowing today. They have all blowed down
so bad that they Cant Cut any of them with the Cradles(38).
They wont hardely pay for the cutting of them now how. We will commence cutting
the meaddow tomorrow
or next day. We will cut it with masheen(39) if it is
not blowed down to bad. Corn
is verry badly injured by the wind.
I have nothing of importance to write. Bob Stone and Miss Sarrah Ringgold is
married, that is Mrs Stones sister. Sam Brumfield(40) is
about like he was when you left hear. He cannot see any yet. Tell Mc that I have
writen one letter to
him, tell him Puck stays sometimes hear and sometimes at Jakes. Mr Hays I have
three of the prettest little hounds you ever saw, they grow mighty fast and I
have a pet of my own, a little Spanish Dog. Louis(41) and
Mary(42) both sends their love to you, give my love
to Frank and Mc and receive
a large portion for yourSelf.
You must all write often. So no more but remains as ever your loving wife
M. J. Hays
to Upton Hays
Letter 12a
Westport Jackson Co MO August the 27 (1858)
Dear Father & Mother
Once more I am permitted to write you a few lines to let you know that we are enjoying good health at present. I received a letter from you yesterday. I was very glad to hear that you were well you may be sure that a letter is a welcome thing with me espeshly from you as I am so lonesome this summer and not as well as common eather. I heard from Mr. Hays(42a) a few days ago he was well and getting a long very well he expected to Sell his oxen in Salt Lake. Lin and Amberson is Still on the plains. Dick Yager has got back and will Start back in a few days. Jemmy Berry (42b) was hear last Sundy he is talking of going with him across the plains.
The health of the people is not so good now as has bin. their has been a great deal of Sickness about hear lately Aunt mary (43c) has been very Sick but is now mending. Aunt Peggy (42d) is still living up near leavensworth (42e) She has been very Sick but was getting better when I heard from her last. I heard from high Blue a few days a go the people was all well Cousin Dick (42f) had got So he could go about I don’t think that he can live long for ever Spell of Drinking he takes it comes very near killing him. Susan Bryant (42g) has very bad health the Dr don’t think that she can live longer than a month or so. John Ferrels wife Ann Bryant (42h) as uste to be has very bad health the Drs don’t think that she can live this month out(42i). The hight Blue Campmeeting commences the Second Sundy in September the grand River Campmeeting is now going on. I will not be able to go to either one of them.
Mother, I wrote to you and Father last week or the week before I have writen som three or 4 letters to you or more since I received your present you sent to me. I have not made it yet but will make it this faul if nothing happens more than I know of. You must not feel uneasy if you do not receive a letter for some time for this will be the last one that I can write for 4 or five weeks (42j). you must all write as often as you can tell Brother Jack that I am in hopes that him nor eathe one of my other Brothers will not go to those ~ new mines. I think that could make enough their to live on and that is as mutch as anyone need wish for. I believe in letting ever day provide for it self and not to be laying up treasures hear which they will soon be called away to leave . try to live as mutch together as possible for it is mutch better than to be Scatered all over the world. Give my love to all of my brothers tell them that I have given up ever receiving a line from any of them tell them that I think of them as mutch as ever they have always felt to near to me to be forgotten as easly as they have forgotten me. Give my love to all enquiring friends and receive a large portion to yourSelves. So fare well Dear Father & Mother ever your loving Daughter
Margaret H
September the 28/58
Dear Father and Mother
Once more I am permited to write you a few lines to let you know that we are
all well at this time but have all been sick since I wrote to you last. Betty
has has two spells of the chills and also hard fits. I think they were caused
from worms and fever flying to her head when she would chill. John has a spell
of phthisic(43) ever week, he has been worce
this Summer than he ever has been or has his spells oftener. The young man that
has been living with us has had
very hard Spell of fever since I wrote to you. After he got about he was taken
down with Chills(44) and has not been able to do anything for about six weeks.
I have not heard from Mr Hays for a long time, the last time I heard from him
was the 18 of July. I got a letter Dated the 18 and that is the last news I can
get from him. Mother you will be a little surprized when I tell you that I have
another Daughter(45). She is nine Days old
to Days. She was born the 15 of September, she wayed nine pounds. She is the
fleshest young Child I nearly ever saw though
she looks very mutch like John Did when he was a babe. I am up going a bout,
I have not been visiting yet but am going in a few days. Marry(46) Cunningham
with me and I hired a woman to come and stay with me some three or four weeks.
My neighbors has all been very kind to me. Aunt Mary was hear about two weeks
ago, she has been up to the high blue Camp meeting and to the camp meeting down
by cousin Quillers (Loob)(47). Aunt Mary has
not been well for some time. She looks mighty bad and Rachel looks like she hardly
has a drop of blood in her. Aunt
Peggy(48) has been sick for about two months with the same disease she had last
September the 25, thirsday. Whilst I was writing Mr Hays got home. I was very
mutch Surprised in seeing him for I was not looking for him. He came in by mail.
He looks fleshyer and better than ever I saw. He done very well this Summer,
he maid his wagons and team Clear of all expence and some money besides but he
had to sell the most of his cattle on time. He Sold to a man from California.
He is owing him eight thousand Dolars on his cattle, it will not be Due untill
July next.
Aunt Mary and Uncle Jemmy was to see me yesterday, they send their love to you.
Upton sends his love to you all, he will write soon. Mother I received a letter
from you the day before I commenced this. I was very glad to hear that you were
all well and very glad indeed to hear that their was some prospect of me seeing
you and Father once more. You thought you and father would pay us a visit. I
am in hopes that you will still keep in the same notion for I think that their
would be no Danger in crossing in the Stages(49) now. I must bring my letter to
a close, give my love to my brothers, write often as you can. So fare well Dear
Father and mother and Brothers from your affectionate Daughter untill Death
M. J. Hays
October the 24, 1858
Dear Father and Mother
It is with the Greatest of Pleasure that I take my pin in hand to Let you
know that we ar all well at presant and I am in hopes that these fieu lines
will find you all InJoying the Same blessing. Times ar Dull here at presant,
money is Scarce here. Their is some fieu going to Pikes Peak(50), yet we hear
Differant tales about it. Their is Some gold their but from the best imfermation
we can get they make about two Dollars per day. I have done very well this
Summer. I figet my pay in that country of Mr Harlin. I have got Mr Frank
Thomas their to get it. He Oes me Eight thoughsand Dollars. He will come
to you all and I would like for you to Help him all you can if you pleas.
I will make to thousand Dollars besides that. I cant tell what I will do
the next year yet. Mr Thomas will write to me what the chance is to sell
cows their and I want you to do the same. I would lik to sell them as soon
as I got their for the cash so as I could come back against spring. Noth
more at present but remain your friend untill Dath.
Upton Hays
Dear Father and Mother as Mr Hays has done writing I will write a few lines.
I received a letter from you a short time ago. I wrote to you when the babe was
about a week old, she is now near six weeks old. I have not named her yet, she
is the largest child to her age I nearly ever saw. Their has been a great deal
of sickness about this faul. Mr Hays was at Aunt Peggys(51) shortime
ago, she was some better but looked very bad. I heard from high Blue a few days
ago, the
people were all well up their. If we all keep well I shal go out to Mr Rolands
next week or the week after. George Bryant and Lizy Lobb(52) was
married some two or three weeks ago, they were married with the calculation of
going to California
but Cousin Mary(53) was so mutch opposed to it that they gave it out and Frank
went in the place of him. The same man that owes Mr Hays owes George (Bryant)
some 18 or 19 thousand. Frank promised to go see you. I have nothing of importance
to write, excuse my bad writing as my hand trembles so mutch that I can hardely
write a word. You must all write soon. Give my love to my Brothers, so no more
at presant but remains your affectionate Daughter untill Death. So fare well
Dear Father and Mother.
Margaret J. Hays
John S. Watts
E. E. Watts
November the 22, 1858
Dear Father and Mother
I Once more take my pin in hand to Let you no that we ar
well at preasnt And I am in hopes these fieu Lines will find you all InJoying
the Same Blessing.
We Received your Letter Dated September the 29. We was glad to Here from you
and to Here that you was all well. We Received Aletter from Sister Eliza Dickerson(54) the
same day that we got yours, they ar all well. Cousin Sam Kimberlin(55) was
Here the Other nite. He Sends His Love to you all and says they ar all well.
He has
jest returned from Old Ky. He sends you a list of names of your Old friends that
have dide. Times ar Dull here at presant. We have a big Snow On the ground and
a prospect for more. Their has been a great many cattle dide here this fall with
the Texas fever(56). Mr Byram has loste in the last
fieu days Eighty five head, Amazon has lost some fifteen or twenty. Yager and
others had lost a god many.
Corn is worth at Westport too Dollars per Barrel Pork is worth five Dollars per
hundred. Wrote you a letter not long ago and told you about my Buisness their.
If you sea Mr Frank Thomas hoom is their to attend to it Or here of him write
to him and tell him that we are all well and want to here from him. I cant write
to him untill I no his postoffice. I have nothing more to write at presant, Margaret
will write some to you.
Upton Hays
Dear Father and Mother
After my love to you all I will write a few lines in answer to a kind letter
we received a short time ago. I have nothing of importance to write, Mr Hays
gave you all the news, the health of all your acquaintences is well as far as
I now. I saw Will Yong(57) last
week, that is Janes husband. The neighbors on Blew is all well. Uncle Jemmy and
Aunt Mary staid with
me a night last week. Aunt
Marys health is very good, Aunt Peggys health is some better than it has been.
I have
not heard from Uncle Dick(58) for
a long time. I believe he has forsaken his connextion for he never comes near
them. Jemmy(59) has
gone to Santefee, Amberson and Polly(60) has
gone to Caliway(61),
they have been gone five weeks.
Uncle Bills (Wm Watts)(62) children
all maried off excepting one.
Uncle John Yocum(63) oldest
son Tommy(64) is
in Springfield(65) jale
for killing Tom
Farris oldest son. Tom Farris
was murdered soon after his
son but the murderer
has never
been found. Father give my love to my Brothers, tell them to write to me. Father,
I would ask them for their likenesses if I thought it would not be to mutch of
a favor, they have no idea how mutch I would value them. Give my love to them
and enquiring friends. Mother I wish you could see my little babe, it is the
fatest little thing you ever saw. It has never been sick any. I have not named
her yet. Write soon. So Fare well Dear Father and Mother and Brothers from your
ever loving Daughter
Margaret J. Hays
(to) John S. Watts
to top © Marian
Franklin - Email: Watts Hays Letters
Revised 6/2006 |
![]() stamp first issued 1857 |
1849 -Jan 1861 Section: Letters 10-12, 12a-15: 1858
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