Footnotes for Letters 16 - 24: 1859 Revised 6/2006
Keep this reference page open as you read letters 16 - 24.
Letter 16
1. Frank Thomas
2. William R. Dickerson (1806-?) the husband of Sister Eliza, of Fayette,
Howard Co., Missouri.
3. Clayton Bane (1823-?)
4. Probably Trachoma which was endemic in the United States at that time.
5. Probably Nancy Franklin (1804-?) the wife of John T. Franklin of Cass
Co., Missouri. In 1860 they lived in Lone Jack, Jackson Co., Missouri.
6. Martha J. Moore Yocum Bane (1826-1905)
7. Jane Bowlar/Bolan Yocum Young. The child was Charles B. Young (1859-?)
8. Sidney Bartleson (1824-1859)
9. tuberculosis
10. Alvis Shelton (abt 1824-1859)
11. Margaret McElwain (1837-1859)
12. Margaret Mitchell Berry (1805-?) and her husband Joseph Dunham (1794-bef.
13. Mary Ann Berry Pendleton Mitchell (1715-1848?)
14. (Mary) Ann Mitchell, daughter of Mary Ann Berry Pendleton Mitchell by
her second husband, James R.
Mitchell (1797-1853) She was married to John B. Kurtz.
15. James B. Yager served in the Missouri State Legislature.
16. Jefferson City, Missouri, the State capitol.
17. Permelia Martin Berry (?-1858) and Robert Mitchell Berry (1818-1913).
The child may have been William Mitchell Berry.
18. Religious Camp Meeting were prodestant revival meetings. Several preachers
would come and deliver sermons, usually in a large tent. The people could
camp nearby.
19. Professions of faith
20. Phebe Stevens Hays (1791-1866), the wife of Upton’s uncle, William Hays, Jr.
21. photograph
Letter 17
22. according
23. Most travelers heading west from Missouri depended mostly on grass to
feed their horses, mules, oxen and cattle and ususally waited until there
was sufficient
grass before starting out.
24. Council Grove is on the Santa Fe Trail was about 140 miles southwest
of Kansas City, Missouri in present day Kansas.
25. Salt Lake City, Utah
26. Santa Fe, New Mexico.
27. James B. Yager served in the Missouri State Legislature. Jefferson City
is the capitol of the State of Missouri.
28. Richard C. Berry
29. James Samuel and John Edward Berry
30. Richard Berry (1835-?), the son of Margaret’s uncle Caleb Ewing
31. Margaret Mitchell Berry Dunham who lived in Leavenworth, Kansas
32. Childhood asthma.
Letter 18
33. Leavenworth, Kansas Territory
34. Margaret Mitchell Berry Dunham
35. Richard Samuel Kimberlin (1809-1862) was married to Margaret's cousin, Eliza Dickerson.
36. Blue Springs, Jackson Co., Missouri
37. Margaret seems to refer to sons of William Russell Watts, her father’s
brother: William Russell Watts, Jr. (1838-1925), Thomas Jefferson Watts (1828-1902)
38. Thomas Jefferson Watts (1828-1902)
39. Platte county, Missouri
40. Frank Thomas
41. photograph
Letter 19
42. Amazon Hays
43. Linville Hays
44. Alexander Jackson Majors and his partner Russell were successful freighters
in Jackson Co., Missouri.
45. Margaret Mitchell Berry Dunham. Her boys were John, Caleb, Edward, Berry,
Samuel, Robert, Richard and David Dunham. John was the oldest. She lived
in Delaware, Leavenworth Co., Kansas Territory.
46. George Washington Rowland
47. Mary Josephine Rowland, Margaret’s niece.
48. Clayton Bane
49. Travis T. Yocum, Margaret's nephew.
50. James Samuel Berry, Uncle Dick Berry’s son.
51. Santa Fe, New Mexico
Letter 20
51a. Letter 19 by Upton Hays was probably written to Margaret's brothers in California.
51b. Tehama Co., California
Letter 21
52. This letter is to John S. Watts, Jr. and was probably sent with the previous
letter by Upton Hays dated July 23, 1859. It is possible that Upton was unable
to get government contracts for hauling freight because of his involvement
with the pro-slavery activities of the Missourian’s in the Boarder
53. Eliza Dickerson
54. Probably James Samuel and John Edward Berry, sons of Richard C. Berry.
55. William Russell Watts.
56. William Russell Watts, Jr. (1836-1925)
57. Pleasant Hill, Cass Co., Missouri
58. Richard Samuel Kimberlin was married to Margaret’s cousin Eliza Dickerson,
daughter of her father’s sister.
59. Blue Springs, Jackson Co., Missouri.
60. John S. Watts, Jr.
Letter 22
61. Newspapers, probably the Mariposa Gazette which began publication in
62. Dr. Micajah Pendleton (1899-abt. 1881). The Pendletons were related to
Margaret by the marriage of her mother’s uncle, Edward Berry’s
(1776-1843) daughter Mary Ann Berry (1815-1848) to Richard Pendleton (1807-1833).
63. The Watts, Berry’s and Pendleton’s had all lived in Washington
Co., Kentucky before moving to Missouri.
64. Thomas A. Yocum (1841-1861). Margaret’s nephew who was a son of
either Jesse Yocum (1818-abt. 1851) or Berry R. Yocum (1814-1845).
65. Jesse Yocum (1818 or 1830-after 1852) Margaret's half-brother.
66. Jane Bowlar Yocum Young, Jesse Yocum's widow.
67. William W. Young
68. William J. Yocum (1850-after 1917), Margaret’s nephew, son of Jesse Yocum.
69. Archibald Bolan (Bowlar)
70. Martha J. Moore Yocum Bane
71. Letty Watts Rowland
72. Mary Ann Mitchell Kurtz was the daughter of Mary Ann Berry Pendleton
73. Richard D. Berry of Mt. Pleasant, Cass Co., Missouri, son of Margaret’s
Great-uncle Edward Berry.
74. Robert Mitchell Berry, Margaret’s mother’s brother.
75. John Berry (1835-?)
76. Edward Gaither Berry, Margaret’s mother’s brother.
77. In Callaway Co., Missouri
78. Richard Francis Yager
79. Santa Fe, New Mexico.
80. Probably Eliza Dickerson.
81. asthmatic
Letter 23
82. Elizabeth Ewing Berry Yocum Watts (1795-1876), Margaret's mother.
83. Margaret Jane Watts Hays (1836-1923)
84. Thomas A. Yocum's maternal grandparents may have been Archibald and Martha Bowlar/Bolan.
Their daughter Jane does not seem to have been his mother, although she
was married to Jesse Yocum, Elizabeth Watts’ son.
85. Robert Mitchell Berry
86. Malaria
87. Thomas A. Yocum (1840-1861)
88. Photograph
Letter 24
89. Lucinda Pitman (1818-1859) was married to Drury Dodson , a cousin of
90. Pittman. Margaret’s mother’s aunt Rachel Berry (1763-1838)
married Thomas Pittman, Jr.
91. Mary B. Berry Hays, Amazon Hays’ wife.
92. Edward Gaither Berry
93. Probably Trichoma which was endemic in Missouri at that time.
94. Caleb Ewing Berry
95. Richard C. Berry
96. Charles Richard Berry (1858-?)
97. Charles and Mahala Duncan were neighbors of the Watts family when they
lived in Cass Co., Missouri
98. Dr. George W. Browning, the Duncan’s son-in –law, was
married to Mariah C. Duncan.
99. Pendleton. Dr. Micajah and Emily Pendleton were neighbors of John S.
Watts in Washington Co., Kentucky.
100. Richard C. Berry
101. Letty Watts Rowland
102. Mary J. Berry Yager
103. Andrew Jackson Watts
104. Dewitt Clinton Watts
105. probably Cleon Bolivar Watts
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