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Westport January the 6(1)
Dear Mother(2)
Once more I am permited to write you a few lines. We are all enjoying good
health at this time and very anxious to hear from you and my Brothers. We have
still hard times hear, no prospects of any better soon. I have written to you
once since I was turned out of doors by the jayhawkers. I am still living at
Lins(3) and my children are scattered. Mirium(4) keeps the little girls, John(5) stays their the most of his time. Betty(6) is now at Sams(7). The neighbors
is all very
kind to me. Am(8) moved to Salene(9), he came up once for me before Chrismas.
I was still not able to go. Since that time he sent his son for me, I was still
not able to go. sent word to him last week not to come after me any more. I
thought it would be best for me to stay hear. The Jayhawkers(10) has got everthing
we had, I do not think they can harm me more now as they have got all.
I heard from my Husband(11) once since I wrote to you. He is now in Prices(12) army. His letter was writen the day before Chrismas. He said they had a great
men and still receiving reinforcements ever day. Price made him a Cornel of
the first Cavaldry regment. He beged me not to mind our loss, that it would
all come right yet. We will get pay for what we have lost. Since I wrote you
last their has been a great many families turned out of doors without as mutch
as a Suit of Clothes. This neighborhood has fared better so fare than any I
know of. The people on Blue(13) has Suffered a great deal. Cousin Dick(14) house was burned and everthing they had was taken or Burned. They tryed to
Diann to go, they told her that she had to pretty Children that ought to be
free and that she should be as free as her Master and Mistres. She told them
that she was as free as they were, that her Master and Mistress had treated
her more like a father and a mother than anything else. She cursed them all
the time the house was burning, they then robbed her of all her clothing. They
burned over 15 or 20 houses, robed nearly all of the houses. Burned Mr Vaughns(15) house, robed all the Keeneys(16) of all they had. I have not heard anything
paticular from Cleats(17) family. Old Uncle Billy Bryant(18) was killed a few
days before I
wrote last to you Mother, you would hardety beleive it when I tell you that
one of the Burneys (19) boys was Captain of the company that killed him, his
wifes Sisters Son, Quill Davis(20) as Black(21) as the Burneys. They visited
us hear once
since I wrote you. Stole a great many things, got all the Negros through the
country, Mirium Mc had three to leave some three or four weeks ago.
Our corn is still standing in the field, what the Jayhawkers left. Pork sells
at two to three Dolars per hundred, we had between 35 or 40 large fattening hogs.
We saved them by bilding a pen on Blue, about three miles from home in the thick
Brush. I sold about 5000 pound at 3$ per Hundred, dull sale at that. Beef 2 1\2
to 3$ per hundred, corn no sale for without it is Selling it for trade of some
kind, then sells for 60 to 75 cts per Barrel. Coffee and sugar very scarce, most
of people use rye in the place of cofee. Dry goods of all kinds is high. Calico
that sold for 10 cts per yard sells now for 20 cts per yard. Common Cotton 20
to 25 cts per yard that uste to sell for 8 to 10 cts per yard.
Mother do not let the reports troubble you too mutch, you need not believe half
you see in the northern papers for they never tell the truth about any of the
Battles they have, that is none they have ever had anywhere in my knowing. The
fight they had at Sams(22) I was in Sight of the men all the time and know that
their was not one of our men hurt and Some 8 or 10 of theirs killed. Sam was
wounded but by our own men. He is now well. They have had my Husbands death published
at a half dozen times. We have never lost a battle anywhere in this country to
my knowledge. The last time they camped in our neighborhood they camped in Sight
of hear. Some 4 or 5 went to one of our neighbors, a widow lady. She was standing
in the yard, they came charging in and run over the old lady, came very near
killing her, cut her up so bad she had to send for Dr. He sewed her wounds up.
It was 18 days before she could stand on her feet. She is getting better now.
I have always been treated with the greatest respects by all that has ever been
about me excepting the last time they came around. He then ordered me to open
a door for them, as I started to open it, they threatened to Shoot my head off
if I did not hurry but I did not think their was mutch danger of him hurting
I heard from Uncle Jemmy(23) and family, they are still in Arkensaw, they have
all been sick. He is coming home as soon as they all get well enough for him
to leave
them. They Jayhawkers left word for him to be at home in a certain lenth of time,
if he is not hear then they are going to Burn his house, make use of his crop,
take persesin of all of his property he left hear. Dick(24) has gone to Texas
his father in laws negros(25).
Mother you have another grandDaughters, she is a very large healthy child. She
was born the 10 of January, will be 4 weeks old tomorrow. I have not named her
yet(26). Larrenda(27), Lins wife has one three days older
than mine. Cousin Becky(28) has one Born the same day that Larrendas was
born. Lin and Lorenda Both Sends their love to you. They have both been very
to me, they told me they wanted me to keep all the children with me but I
thought it was to hard for them to keep us all. Mrs Cunningham(29) is with
me, she tended on me in my Sickness(30). She sends her love to you, my love to
my Brothers, tell them I have always thought it would be one of the greatest
pleasures in the world to have them hear with me but now I am very thankfull
that they are not hear in these trobbles. Tell them to keep out of the furse
as long as they possibly can. Write often as you can. Fare well Dear Mother
from your ever Loving Daughter
Margaret J.
E. E. Watts(31)
ps write wher Brother John(32) is, when did you hear from him, I want to hear
from him so bad he might write to me. Direct your letters to me as they might
be taken
out of the ofice if directed to my Husband.
Springfield Mo. Feb the 5 1862
Dear Wife (33)
I once more take my pin
in hand to inform you that I
am well at presant.
Hoping these fieu lines will find you InJoying the same blessing. I have never yet had a line from you nor herd directly from you. I would like to here from you verry well Before my time is out which will be the 24 of this month. I am yet at a loss to no what to do at presant. I think of many thinges But don’t field disposed to anything untill I here from you. I would like to no how you are getting a Long and if I do not here from you Before my time is out I shall try to come and Se you. I sometimes think of going to Arkansaw or Texas for a Shorte time or untill the army moves. Their will be about 5 or six hundred men that their time will be out at the Same time, they all talk of comming home for a shorte time, they ar all tiard of laying here doing nothing. Margaret I want you to get my notes and save them, get the money if you can and save it. I have 1255 Dollars in Sothern Cerif which is beter here than Mo. paper. Let me no whare Amazon(34) is and what he is doing. Let me no what the people is all doing as near as you can. Their is a rumer that we will all move in a fieu days south as their is a large force moving on us. I want you to write to me as soon as you can and sind me some clothes if you can. Give my love to all inquirin friendes, Mary(35) and Louis(36) and so on. I am well and doing well at presant. Let me no what you call the Boy(37) or will wait till I come home. Nothing more at presant but Remain your Husband untill Deth
Upton Hays(38)
Dinner is ready and I must go good bye
Boys all well. De(39) Wantes to Se Mary.
You can sind a letter by J. Hickman
Arkansas, Washington Co
February the 23, 1862
30 miles from Fort Smith, North(40) Dear Wife(41)
I once more take my pin in hand to let you know that I am well and all the boys hoping these fieu lines will find you all InJoying the same blessing. My Dear Wife My time is out in the morning then me and De leave. B. Rice will starte to Texas with the calculation of making some arrangements for our families and I want you to make the best arrangements you can and come on as soon as you can. I shall try to get a farm and have a crop this summer. Get Louis(42) or Frank to come with you or any body else that you no will take care of you. I want Louis to come and expect Mary(43) will want to come. If she does (Illegible) all have (illegible) her. If you can fetch a good supply of clothing, some hoopes, and soon. Settle with R. Ward if you can and fetch all my papers that you can get. Get Sam(44) to help you start. He has the money for the pork if you have not got the money borrow it and I will see that it is paid as I have about $1600 in Confederate bonds which I will get the money on before longe. Anyone that will help you to Texas that you want shall be paid. [Illegible] ,mules and Andy(45) if you can fetch them with you. If ever any families is coming up from their day off, they let them fetch their negros and stock and disarm them. Dont lose time to get them if you can come without them. Get Kenford(46) to help you if necessary and I will pay them. You will have to be very sly till you get away from there.
I shall go to Gainville(47), Texas and make the arrangements and have leave at work and I will return as far as Fort Smith(48) to meat you. I will start from Texas the 20 of March and come as fare back as Fort Smith or until I meet you if I can find which road you are coming on. Come with some other family if you can get the chance. If you should not meet me come to Gainsville. Get 2 small wagons if you can and lay in plenty of provisions as they are very scarce. Make the best arrangements you can. If you can onley get a carriage or one wagon and [illegible] hu-dy and fill. Come on [illegible] we can get what will do us their. Don’t let anyone no that you are agoing to start but that you no is your friends.
Try and find out if I will get any money from Mexico(49) or Majors(50). I want you to come the best way you can and fetch Dodger with you, can break him to lead and ty him under the wagon and dont let him get away on the road. Give all my friends my best respects and tell them that I am coming back as soon as I can to be safe. I am very tired of this life of solgering. Get someone to take care of what you leave and dispose of it. Nothing more at presant but remain your Husband untill Dath
Upton Hays
February the 24 1862(51)
I will start in the morning to Texas. I have 3 horses to take with me to work. I think I will by one more. I shall look for you from the 20 to the last of march. If you have any to fetch with you let it be gold or silver and keep it around you. You will have to watch close or the stragglers will stel your stock. I was detailed last knight to take char of one hundred and fifty men to go in the direction of the line for three days. I declined going. I would come back to help you if I thought I could do any good. It is time that we was at work. We have fine weather here. When you starte come as fast as you can till you get out of Mo. if you can get a pass from anyone it might be of some youse to you. [the last part of this letter is missing]
August the 1/62
Dear Mother(52)
Once more I am permitted to write you a few lines in answer to a most welcom letter I received a few days ago. I had give up all hope of ever hearin from you again, I had never heard a word from you since a week after our house was Burned. Times hear is no better, no prospect of getting better soon. The Sothern Boys seems more dertermined than ever. We have no big army in hear but we have Bushwackers(53) scatered through the country that keeps the Jayhawkers out. Last week their was several campaneys sent out to ketch Qantrell(54) and his Brushwackers. There was some 75 or 80 of Quantrills men. Hundred and fifty feds came up on him in the Brush. Quant whipped them back killing and woonding a great many. Next day they reinforced, came again. They were again whipped back loosing a great many pistols, guns, horses. The next day they reinforced to 400. They got Quantrill surrounded, he cut his way through them. Him and his men made their way to the Brush. The feds in the three fights lost 35 killed, about 10 wounded. Quantrill loss was three killed on the ground, sone 3 or four that will die, some 6 or 8 not Seariously wounded. The reason the feads(55) loss was so mutch greater than ours is their men is mostily dutch(56). The head men made them Drunk so they would charge on Quant without fear. We are not troubbled with them mutch, they come around sometimes, call for me and I will talk to them, treat them politly and receive the same treatment from them.
The last time I wrote to you my husband(57) was with Price(58). His time was out about the first of March, he then wrote for me to meet him on the Arkensaw line. By the time I could get their he would have a home picked out in Texas. He rented him a farm, left his nephew to take charge of it and tend to putting in a crop. He cam back to meet me, waitted untill the last of June. He came in to see why I did not go and to stay untill they would give me a pass as the roads was Blockaded with feads. he had to fight his way through to get home, he had hundred and fifty men with him. They say now that they will give me a pass if he will leave the country. They say that the men has confidence in him and he can have more influence with them than any other man in the country. Their has been a great excitement among the feds ever since he came in. I do not see him often. He is very anxious for me to go South but my friends thinks it would be dangerous traveling this warm weather on account of Sickness. I will go this faul if we all live.
I still make my home at Lins(59). The children is all going to school, that is John, Betty, Fleda(60). They have not missed a day this sumer. Fleda is 3 years and a half when she started to school, she learns very fast. I have not named my babe(61) yet, she is setting alone and cralling. She is a very pretty babe.
Uncle Jemmy(62) has got back home again, he left his negros in Arkensaw. Cleat Bune(63) lived a while at Westport (as he was run from his home) has now gone over the rivver. Travis(64) and Tommy(65), John(66) and Jemmy(67) has joined the confederate army, has gone to Tenesee with Price(68). Uncle Dick(69) lives near Lone jack, their is no one living on high Blue now excepting mrs Duncan(70) and her Brother living with her. Cousin Lis B.(71) is living up their. They burned and destroyed everthing. Cousin Lis had even jurked her bonnet off of her head and burned it. Old man Duncan(72) has his negros followering along with the army. Ready(73) belongs to the confederate armies, the girl dont stay at home.
It has been several days since I have been writing this letter. Since that time the South has gained several fights, the feds is so outed with the news that they are cutting up worse than ever. They have taken some famileys prisinors, Dick Y. father in laws family(74), Dicks wife and Child, they have taken them to leavenworth. Their was seven wimmen in family. They were accused of feeding Bushwackers. Dicks wife was taken to spite him. They say if they get Dick they will torture him four days and then Burn him. My husband came to see me yesterday, he wanted me to leave hear. He feared they would take me last night. They heard he had been to see me yesterday, this morning they were out hear by six oclock. They thought the best thing could do would be to take me off and see if he would try to come and see me. I dont fear them, I dont think they will take me. They are trying to force men into Service. They will find they will make more Bushwackers by it.
Our friends in Caliway is all well. Uncle Johns(75) family is all that is Black(76) down their. His oldest son is dead, Calup(77). Aunt Peggys(78) familys is Black or at least 4 of her boys has gone out with the last recruits(79). She still lives near Leavensworth. George R.(80) has gone to Kansas territory to live near Larrence(81). Bunion(82) has belonged to old Nugeons(83) command, the worse set that has ever been about. I got a letter from Eliza(84), her family is all well. She is anxious for me to come down their and stay with her. They are all wright their. Uncle Bob(85) was in Arkensaw when Uncle Jemmy(86) left their.
Not finding and oppertunity to mail my letter as I thought it would be more apt to go mailed at another office. Yesterday my Husband and five more men went into Westport carried off the fine union flag. It was a new one cost 14 Dollars, 17 feds came in while they were in town but was afraid to follow them. My Husband can get as many men as he wants(87), the people has a great deal of confidence in him He is very anxious for me to leave hear, he thinks they will take me prisinor. My friends is all very uneasy. I would leave if I thought could find anyplace safer than hear. We have enough to eat, wheet crops was very good, their was but little corn put in but little rain so corn will be very Scarce. If my husband is spared untill faul I will go to Texas. Tell my Brothers I am thankfull they are not hear. Give them my love. All the pleasure I see is the thought of you all being their in Safty. My love to William B.(88) So fare well from your ever loving Daughter
Margaret J.
Sept the 10 1862
Dear Wife
It is with plasure that I Seate mySelf to Let you no that I am well hoping these fieu lines will find you all InJoying the Same Blessing. I underStand from Heindman(89) that we will not leave here for about one month. I would like for you to Sind me some clothes By some of my men that will be comming down soon or try to get a pass and come your Self. I would like to se you. Capt Simpson(90) is their to fetch my men for me if you will Se Capt Quantrill(91), he can have the cloth Sint to me if you dont want to come down. Dick Berry(92) and Frank(93) and Sam(94) all want clothes if you can sind them. I want you to write to me at inerate and sind it by some of the boys. I have ben Received as Caverly(95), Heineman(96) will Starte to Little Rock Soon(97). He says we will have plenty of men to march to the river a ganst the first of Oct. We ar between fine mill and Newtony, Medford(98) Co. M. and will Remain here untill the first of Oct. I have about seven hundred men here. I want some good clothes, 2 outer shirts, 1 pair pants, 2 or three inter shirts and about (illegible) ile Shirts, 2 or 3 pair [letter torn]
My Birthday
Westport Jackson Co. Mo.
September the 26/62
Dear Mother
Once more I am permitted to write you a few lines. It has been a long while since I heard from any of you. I have received but one letter since the week after my house was burned, that one was in answer to the one that I wrote in Febuary. You can imagin how hard it is to be away from all of ones friends, those that is nearest and Dearest to them, not even the pleasure of hearing from them. I feel thankfull that you and my Dear Brothers is away from hear for if you were all hear I would have more to troubble me. You can not imagin what a fix our once happy country is in. Their is no more to do made over finding Skelitons of human beings now than uste to be over the Skelitons of any kind of animals. Robing and murdering is all that is folower. Last week their was a company went out through our country stealing, they came in yesterday, brought in about 150 negros, wagon loads of good of all descriptions. Camped in the streets, made the Sitizens of Westport cook for them. Took the fine beds, bead(99) clothing and palleted in the Street. While they were out they burned 50 houses besides robing a great many families of everything they had. Killed several men and one Mother was Dr Pleasant Lee(100). He lived on little Blue, you ought to know him. He was at one of his neighbors when the company came up. They wanted him to go with them, he started, went but little ways, they Shot him, left him laying their. Their is but two or three of our old neighbors in the neighborhood of high blue. Old Mrs Duncan(101) is still living their with her Brother. The old man is follering the Army with his negros. Redy(102) is in Missipy with Price(103), our Commander. Tommy, Travis, Jemmy, Johny(104) is all with him. Uncle Dick(105) is with my Husband.
If you got my last letter you know what my Husband is doing. He went to Texas last spring, rented a farm, had a crop put in, left his nephew to tend to it untill he could come back and meet me as he had sent for me to come. He waited near two months, he then made up a company of a hundred and fifty men, came in to see why I did not come. The reason that I did not go, I could not get a pass. It was soon rumored about that he was in here. They scattered their men all over the country trying to get him. He sent them word that he had come after his family, if they would give me a pass he would leave the country. They sent me word to come get a pass. I could have had one if he would leave. He then started South, found the roads so well guarded he came back determined to use his influence in every way he could. He soon got up a company from four to 5 hundred men and being Scarce of ammunition he attackes Independence(106) about 4 oclock one morning, fought several hours very hard. While fighting their aminition gave out, they then charged the tents. While my husband was in a tent their was some 25 or thirty Balls shot in the tent. Shot three holes through the catriage box he had in his hand tearing the box all to peaces. The Federals surrendered everything.
Arms aminition and all government property. In a few d after they had another fight at Lone Jack(107). The Rebbels whiped them again, the rebbels was largely reinforced, had not arms or aminition enough, went South to get a new surply. My husband was a Cournel of a regiment of upwards of a thousand men. i have received one letter from him since he left hear, they expected to start for the rivver the first of October. Uncle Dick is with him, his boys, Tommy, Travis, is with Price(108) in Missipy.
I have not heard from Letty(109) since last spring. I got a letter from Eliza Dickerson(110) a short time ago. She had heard that I had been taken prisinor, eather to Leavenworth or St Louis. She was very mutch distressed about it, she is anxious for me to come and stay with her. The friends in Caliway was all well a short time ago. Dick Yager(111) was wounded in the right shoulder at the independence fight. He is getting some better, will never have but little use of his arm. He was Captain of a company. His wife is released(112). I am still livin at my Brother in laws, have been spending the week with Aunt Mary(113). Betty(114) is at George Bryants(115), she has been their near two weeks. George married Liza Lobb(116), they have no children, makes a great pet of Betty. Mother give my love to my Brothers, tell them I would like to see them but not hear during these troubles. Mother write often. Direct your letters to my husbands neace Mary A. McMurtry(117) and I will be more apt to get them. Aunt Mary sends her love to you, farewell Dear Mother from your Daughter
Margaret Jane
October the 31/62
Dear Mother
Once more I am permitted to write you a few lines, mySelf and the little Children is all well at this time but Oh, Mother I have thought I have had my share of troubble but my troubble has just began. The eavening of my birthday after I had finished a letter to you I received news of my Husbands(118) deaths. It had been published in the papers but I did not believe it as they had him dead so often, but Mother I fear it is so. Yet I have a little hope that it may be some one by the same name. The report has come in letters and by men we have always taken to be reliable men, one man said he helped to burry him. Then I have heard it disputed that it was a man by the same name. Today another report says that he was wounded dangerously in the right side. His Brothers has give up all hope, but I still have some hopes that it was not so. He is grieved for and his loss is felt by the whole country, no man that had more friends than he had, he was a man they looked up to and had confidence in, he was a Cournel of a regment. His lot has been a hard one for the last year and a half. He has been driven from his home, all that he labored for, for years, ataken from him, his family turned out of doors with out a Shelter to the merceys of the people. He had not been aloud to see them mutch less to help them. When I saw him last Summer it was with the greatest secreacy, the Children not alowed to see him but a few times for fear they would tell and he would be taken prisinor.
I am still living at Lins(119), he has returned from off of the plains. I wanted to go to housekeeping if I could get an out fit, but he was not willing for me to leave him. He says that as long as he is able to provide for his own family he will share with me. He is one of the best men in the world, he has been a kind Brother to me, his wife as kind as a Sister. Sam(120) wants me to come and live with him. The people has all been very kind, even Strangers has sent word to me to come and stay with them. I do not fear of suffering, I had so many friends hear.
Mother I received a letter from you last week, you wanted to know something about your Grandsons Tommy(121) and Travis(122) was with Price(123) in Tenessee, last week we received the news of Travis Death. He was killed in the Corrinth(124) battle. I did not hear from Tommy or Jemmy(125), they were in the battle. Johnny(126) was sent last winter to Texas to recruit up some stock, have not heard from him since. Cleat(127) lives in Platt Co.(128) Jane(129) Lives in little Santeffe(130), her husband is with Price. Dick Yagers(131) wounds got well enough for him to go to the army. He will never have mutch use of his arm as his shoulder bone was all Shattered. Several bones worked out of it. Our friends in Caliway is all well, was last week. One of Uncle Johns(132) sons dide last summer, Calup(133), one of the other boys was wounded. They were on the federal side, the rest of our friends down there is on the other side. I received a letter from Eliza D.(134) she has four sons in the southern army, she says our friends in Ky. is on the federals side.
Mother you spoke of Cousin Van H.(135) being their. Tell him his Mother(136) was well last week. Cousin Seth(137) was down hear a few weeks ago, he has been living at Pikes Peak. Cousin May is doing very well in Mexico(138), his sister Eliza Ward(139) lives in Arkensaw. My Husband Stade their. I do not know where Sister Letty(140) is, I heard they moved near Larrence, Kansas. Bunion is still with the army (the Federal army). Times is no better hear, I fear it will not be soon, still robbing and Burning houses and murdering, nothing uncomon to see the skeliton of human beings in the woods. Cousin Dick B.(141) was in Arkensaw last winter, now ahear in the country. Provisions is plenty hear all excepting cofee and Sugar, clothing is very high and scarce. Give my love to my Brothers, tell them I often think of them and feel so thankfull that they are not hear in these troubbles. My kinds regards to all enguiring friends. Farewell Dear Mother from your everloving Daughter
Margaret Janie
ps Mother please inquire theire, their for a man by the name of Alferd Hornbuckle(142). His friend requested him to get you to enquire for him. When last heard of was near Dogtown(142a).
Mother since I finished my letter I have heard of the death of Cousin Sam Kinberlin(143). He lived near Blue Springs, he had been to the Southern Army. He had taken a load of corn to independence, they took him prisinor and sent him home, hung him in his barn. Also on the same day Sam Wear, Brother to old Billy Wear Learry Farmer(144) has been hung, Babtist preacher lived near Harrisonville(145) as good a man as ever lived, also one of Joe Sheltons son (Shot him, he was about fifteen years). Robed Green Shelton of everthing he had, came to him next morning wanted to sell his dishes to him. Mother I could tell you of hundreds of sutch cases. Farewell your Daughter
Westport Nov the 24/62
Dear Mother
Once more I am permited to write you a few lines. I sent you a letter some two or three weeks ago. We are all well at this time but Oh, Mother I have thought that I had my share of troubble but Mother my troubble have jest commenced. When I wrote you last I had hope that my husband was still alive but now I have to give up all hope. On the 10 of September he went to where some of his friends was on picket and beged of them to come home and bring me a letter. He was so anxious to hear from me and the Children, he wanted me to come to him if I could get a pass. (That was impossible) It was but a few days after he wrote the letter. Have not heard exactly the day. They had a skermish, my Husband was shot through the head. He had friends with him that saw him deacently buryed. His loss was not only felt by his family but he was greived for by everybody. No man had more friends than he had. Some of the letters that has been written back hear says when they lost him they lost one of the ablest Cournel they had, one that the men had more confidence in than any other oficer they had. Mother sometimes I think that I cannot Stand it. All I Asked for was his life. Our property was all taken from us. I was left without a home with four little children to take care of. I cared not for all this, I did not care whither I had the second dress if his life could be spared I would be so thankfull but now what will become of me God only knows. Take good care of yourself for it is a pleasure to know that I have a mother altho I never see you.
In my last letter I wrote to you about Travis Yocum(146) was dead. Tommy(147) was killed to, they were both killed at the Corrinth fight, also a great many more of our acquaintences. That fight was harder on the Southerners than any they have ever had. Times is very hard hear. Robing, murdering and every other kind of meanest Burning and every man has been forced to join the army (federal). They have to join or their property taken from them and then banished from the country, sent to some of the northern States. The Southern Army is in the Southern part of Misouria.
I am still living at Lins(148), he will not agree for me to leave him this winter. He says as long as he is aloud to provide for his own family he will share a part with me. Sam(149) wanted me to live with him this winter. My husbands connexion is all very kind to me and every person else. A great many Strangers has sent for me to come and stay with them, it seems that I have the sempathyes of every body. My little Babe(150) is beginning to walk and talk, I call her Jane Upton. She favors her pa a great deal, the best looking child I have. John and Betty(151) is going to school at Uncle Jemmys, Fleda grows very fast, she went to school last summer. My love to all my Brothers, tell them I am thankfull that they are not with me now. Tell them to keep out of these troubles as long as they can. Mother you spoke of Cousin Van being their, my kindest regards to him and cousin William B.(152) Farewell Dear Mother from your ever lovin Daughter
Margaret J.
ps Mrs Cunningham(153) sends her love to you, she is still with me. Linvell and Larrenda(154) sends their love to you. They are kind to me.
to top © Marian
Franklin - Email: Watts Hays Letters
Revised 7/2006
![]() "Black Jack" issued 1863 |
1861 - 1865 Section: The Civil War Letters 36 - 44: 1862
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