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Westport Mo. January the 10,1870
Dear Mother
Again I have the privalige of answering another letter from you. I assure
you it was a welcom visator for it had been a long time since I had heard
from any of you. We are all enjoying good health at this time. I was almost
sick with Cold last week but able to do a big days washing today. I am all
alone tonight with exception of Jenup, have not saw nor heard from the Girls
for over two weeks, they come home once a month. John goes to school from
home. Friends all well as far as I can learn, but little sickness in the
neighborhood. I heard from High Blue(1) a few
days ago, friends all well. If weather is good will go up their soon. That
country is improoving very
fast, land is valued at 110 Dolars per achor. The Rail Road from Pleasant
Hill to Larrence(2) runs within a half mile of
Cousin Lis Berrys(3) , Willy Yocum(4) has
gone with some fraiters to Arkensaw, Berry(5) is
at McGee Colage(6) going to school, have not saw
John, Jemmy(7) for a long time.
Well Mother you wished me to wright the particulars of Linvells(8) Hurt he received last Spring. I thought I had wrighten all about it soon after it happened. Last March Sam(9) and the Administrator was trying to Settle this suit by compromising it. Linville and one of Sams Lawers was present. Sam said he would not pay any rent for the farm as he had kept the fencing up. Linvell remarked that he had taken more rails off of it than he had ever put on it(witch was so). Sam ordered him to hush, he had no wright to Speek. Lin told him he thought he had a right to speek, he had been Swinated long enough by him. Sam was sitting near and Iron poker that wayed five puonds over. Sam got hold of the poker, Lin had nothing to defend him Self with nor had no Idea of Sam Striking him untill he aimed a lick at his head. Lin threw a chair up to catch the lick, it mashed the Chair, one end of the poker struck him on the head. The lick stuned him some, he aimed to get out of the door. Sam gave another lick whitch brought him to the floor, after he was down and all thought him Killed, he Struck him twice. The Lawer then got hold of Sam and pulled him away. Their was strong talk of mobbing him (Sam). He left town next morning. He went to Lin in tears and begged his forgiveness which was granted. He was very attentive, waighting on him untill he saw he did not Die. Lin lay some time with but little hope of life. He can never get over the hurt, not been able to work any since. I suppose this thing or Lawsuit will be settled some way in March. Sam still has the use of the farm. Sam Family is friendly with me, spent Chrismas Day with me. Sam is very friendly, it is to his advantage to be so.
I had and old Friend to visit me a few days ago, we
had not met for over ten years, Nath Simpson(10) ,
Duke Simpson(11) oldest son. We had all ways
very intimate friends. It was a very pleasant and Still Sad meeting.
He Said I had not changed one bit in my looks, could not see that I looked
any older,
but I can feel that I am getting old. I have a few gray hairs in my head,
but I must bring my letter to a close. I will wright soon again, wright
as often as you can, my love to all, a large share for yourself so fare
from your Daughter
J. Hays
This is Jennups Birthday, 8 years old today was 8 months old at her pas Death.
as finished September the 9
Mariposa August 30 1870 Cal
Dear Dauter & grand Children i am permited to write you a few lines to
let you no that we are on the land of the living & in troble about you
not geting my letters, i have had a very bad Cough & my hand trimble
so i could not write & a girl in town ofered to write for me, i did not
send hur the invelup to hur & She has been directing her leters wrong,
left out the Westport and the leters have come back. She was a good scribe & i
would sind them to her to direct, she thought it was like Mariposa post ofice,
i will send one back.
we have just returned from Campmeting about fore miles from our home, it
commenced on friday and holds over two Sabaths, it was Methodith, o Marga
how i wished you could have been thare but o i feare it will never bee my
hapy lot to see you for it apears every thing is working against it, first
my leters was returned & in the spring i thought we could send you three
or fore hundred dollars September to help you out but providence works against
us, our land is in market & we want to enter Six hundred acors of land,
the most of it is enclosed in our farm, we are in town today entering two
quarters by preemption & then we have the write to enter two quarters
by homesed, if you come you shal have a home in trust in it & stock two,
we have horses, cattle & hogs & you shal have & intrust in all & if
you could bee heare to help me dry fruit, apples & peaches & greaps,
we have plenty of evry thing, we dont live in a pirty cuntry but a very healthy
i commenced writing before I received your kind leter & my Grandson likenefs.
you dont know how proud i was to get it, he is so fine a looking a man, i
must say i always said a boy but he is a man so soon & i hope he is good
as he looks to bee. i have waited to get some money some time that was due
me to send you but get Disappointed & Jackson(12) is hard run to get
money to enter his land, he sold five horses for money & had to take
them back & paid him for the use of them in propity, he did not loose
eney thing on them but the disapointement in geting money, i will send my
likenefs, Jackson would have sent his only he had a hurt on his face & could
not have it taken, we are all well as comon, i must to a close for i have
wrote more than you can read, tell the girls i would bee very glad to get
more letters from them, tha must not that i could not read there letters,
i could read them & was very proud of them & want to get some more
from them. i quilted one of the quilts that i maid for one of them and sold
it for fifteen Dollars & will send them the money, i could not see the
man that bought it, i will send it soon, all write, my love to all farewell
from ever loving mother
E. Watts
Margaret Hays
the 7/71
Dear Mother
With pleasure I answer a kind letter received from you some two or three
weeks ago, had sent you a letter a few days before I received yours with
the Childrens photographs in it. I thought I would wait and see how my buissness
was settled before I wrote again, it is partly settled. Sam acknowledged
the Judgement and turned the land over to the Administrator. It was partly
crompromised, he is to give account of all personal property and leave it
to men that shall be appointed to say what he shall pay. He had sold 80 achors
over five years ago, that will stand as he sold it and he will pay 10 percent
interest since sold. I am to have my 80 achors(13) .
I do not expect I will get anything else as their is so many Security Debts
came against the estate.
At the commencement of the war Mr Hays told me he was Security for as mutch
as he was worth and the Debts has now come against the estate or a great
portion of the Debts. The administrator thinks he can get some money for
me but I do not think so but he will do all he can for me. He thinks he can
get it all settled in four months.
Two weeks ago their was a Confederate burrying in the neighborhood. Their
has been a piece of land deeded to the Confederate dead for a hurrying ground(14) .
All the Confeds is to (that is in this country) be taken up and removed to
this Burrying ground. Their was 69 Burried in one day, some three or four
hundred people attended. The people is going to have Uptons remains(15) ,
Dick Yagers(16) here by the 20 of May. Upton is
to be placed in the center under the monument. The monument will be raised
the day that Upton is Burried.
Their is a company appointed to have the graves attended to, to always keep
them in good order.
Well Mother, the girls received their presents from you and I received mine
also and I assure you they are prized highly and send you many thanks for
them. Uncle Jemmy and Aunt Mary was to see me about two weeks ago, they are
all well. I was down last week as Uncle Jemmy loaned me a horse to plow a
week, mine is sick. Aunt Mary will start to Colorado in about two weeks to
see Louisa(17) . Rach(18) is
getting well, all friends well as far as known. My health is better than
has been for several
years. Give my love to my Brothers,
tell them I have not given the idea of going their yet. I want to see things
settled hear first. If I could meet with several families going out their
we could rent a car(19) . It would not cost me
mutch to go so do not think that I have given all Idea of going, so fare
well from your ever loving daughter
Mag J. Hays to
E. Watts
Mother if you know anything of Alferd Hornbuckle(20) or can learn from any
friends their let me know it, his brother is so anxious to hear from him.
He will go out their if he can get any news from him, he has been their 20
years or more.
the 7/71
Dear Mother
I shall try to write a few lines to you as it has been some time since I
wrote to you. We are all well at this time, my health has not been so good
this spring as was during the winter. All Friends well as far as known. Rachel
Harper has got so she can hobble around which is more than anyone ever expected
her to do. I do not think Cousin Becky Hays(21) can
last mutch longer, she keeps to her bed the most of the time. She has consumption(22)
. Aunt Mary
is in Colorado visiting Lou.
Well Mother I have been putting off writing untill I could send you some
papers giving account of my Uptons Second Burrial(23) and
speeking as I do not take the papers have failed so far in getting them
but have the
of some. We have a Confederate Burrying ground in our neighborhood at our
Schoolhouse, 75 now Burried at it. On the 4 day of May two of out neighborhood
boys started for the remains of Mr Hays, they found the grave without any
troubble. His coffin was perfectly sound, for a few moments before the
air struck him, his features (they said) was natural, but as soon as the
got to him, his clothing, features all dissappeared, all went to dust,
leaving nothing but his bones and hair which had changed but little. He
was brought
in to Linvills untill they got a nice coffin and then was brought home,
was Burried the 20 of May, as cloudy unlikely looking day as it was. Their
two thousand people or over their, the Masons Burried him, some four or
five other men Burried the same day. The people through the country paid
all expenses.
They have a nice iron fence placed around the graves, they will place a
monument over the graves costing one thousand Dollars.
Mother their was many nice bocays placed on Uptons grave, the first one
placed on it was placed their by a federal Cournel. He was invited to speek
refused, he said if he gave my Upton Justice he would have to speek against
the cause he fought for (that is the federal cause). Oh Mother this has
been a sad tryal for me, it Brought all my past troubbles fresh to mind
and yet a pleasure to see and know that my Upton is not forgoten and to
know how mutch he is beloved by almost every one.
Mother have you ever received the Childrens photographs. I sent them in
March, have had but one letter since last Oct. John is farming, has near
90 achors
of corn in. We lost our wheet, their was a fly(24) that
taken the wheet last faul, but little wheet raised. Those that have wheet
is now cutting
it. I
have about 8 or 10 achors of oats, looking well. Corn looks well. I am
getting along as well as could be expected concidering the hard times we
are having
hear now. Give love to my Brothers and family, a share for yourself, so
good night Mother from your ever loving Daughter
J. Hays
Children sends love to you all and uncles, wright soon, i am anxious to hear
from you all.
the 10/72(25)
Dear Mother
I shall try to write you a few lines, the family is all well at present excepting
myself, have not been well for the last week. I should have wrote to you
last week but thought that Berry Yocum would be with you and could tell you
how we are getting along. It has been raining for the last four days, still
raining. John has his corn all in, about eight achors, look very fine, is
plenty large to plow, he has 18 achors in, the rest of my land, some 15 achors
I rented out. My wheet was no count, no wheet in this neighborhood, all failed,
this is the second year I have made a failure raising wheet. Their is not
any farmers done planting corn, many has not commenced planting yet, it is
a very backwards spring, still a good prospect for fruit. Friends all well
as far as known excepting Cousin Beck, for the last two weeks she has been
getting worse. Sister Mary Huse(26) dide about
a month ago with consumption (Uptons youngest sister). Laurinda Hays health
has been very bad for the
last few months, confined to her bed for the most of the time. She was able
to come over to see me last week and spend a day and night. Linville is out
southwest fraiting, has been gone a month. The girls is going to school,
at home today on account of the rain. I have been looking very anxiously
for a letter for the last few weeks. Will send John to the office this
eavening feeling inhopes that I shall get a letter. Mother write soon if
you know anything about Brother DeWitt(27) , will
Brother Jack come home with Berry. Mother I cannot tell you what I am going
to do as yet, as they
have not got our buissness settled up. So farewell, the children all send
their love, my love to you all so fare well from your loving daughter as
J. Hays
[Written on the back of the letter]
Mary J. McBendre
Providence City Cal
Cary over ader Siskeyou Co. Cal
Mariposa June the 15 1872 Cal
Dear Dauter & Children I wonce more set down to try to write to you a
few lines, i feare you cant reed it but i will bee ablige to try so you may
see how fast i fail, i am getting old very fast. if Bery(28) gets
home he can tell you how he had to help me Churn & wanted to help me do meney
other things, i think he thought i look to old to worke but I have very good
health for common, i am treble with a cough at times but never Doctor much.
i think Berry(29) Coming kep me from having a
doctor bill to pay for i was almost shure i had the Consumption coming on
me but i am geting over it guite
well. i think i was the proudest purson you ever saw when he told me his
name, for i never had eney thought of seeing one of them grand children.
I have always had a hope of seeing you and your Children but i was always
teling Berry that he would put her out of the notion, he just stayed heare
all the time & had come out of School & he thought it was the lonsomest
place he ever saw. It is all the time of the yeare that tha have to work
that is haying season, Jackson was ablige to tend to it close, he cut a fine
chance but tha came a rain & ingered it smartly, he thinks he would have
had over fifty tunn if the rain had not ingered it eney.
Margaret your Brother sent you some money about a Hundred Dollars, you must
have your teeth fixed, we would like to have sent you more but we wanted
to pay for our land this summer. Berry will go & see you & give you
the money. i have done all of my work except washing, Jackson tried to get
a woman to help me but could not get eney, i ofered one fifteen dollars for
one month but she was going to town & was to get 20 dollars but she Smoked & the
woman would not have hur & now she wanst to come to me, Jackson has gone
to town today, i dont know wither he will bring hur back or not for he was
not in very good humer, for the most of the work was done & i dont care
for i have not for wimmen dont milk cows & tha think because tha have
to wash & cook it is awfull, tha will Set up & make tallen & cross
from one end of the to the other, i will Stop for i no you cant read one
half all write & dont think hard of me not writing So farewell
from your ever loving Mother untill Deth
E. Watts
Margaret J. Hays & Children
forgive me the worst pen & ink eney one ever did try to write with.
85 (23
October 1872)
Dear Aunt(30)
I received your letter several days ago which found us all well. I had almost
concluded you was not going to write. Well this is Friday night, all have
gone to the debate but Aunt Rinda(31) , Jimie(32) & I. Tomorrow
Miss Mag Davis(33) & I are going over to Mr Ragans(34) & Coff Rice(35) expecting
a fine time. Mr John More(36) & Sally Bryant(37) were
married one week ago, had a nice wedding & grand reception, we were invited
but I was a little to spunky to go. Jimie was there, there were some twenty
young ladies & young men. Bob Hays(38) & Harison were two of the
number, a gallant set you know. Ben More was at home one night this
week on his way to Texas. Uncle Lin is not home yet but expect him
in two or three weeks. Aunt Laurinda & I spent the day with Aunt Becca(39) this
week, she looks very bad but is up most of the time. She thinks if her stomache
was strong enough to bear her cough medicine it would be a great
help to her. My bitters have cured me almost entirely, you would scarcely
know me I am so fat & fell so well. I will never cease to be thankful
or regret giving a kiss to the old Indian. Eliza(40) is
using bitters of Aunt Rindas receit & thinks they are helping her, what has yours done
for you.
We have heard from the Dr once since you left, Mr Stout(41) saw
him at his brothers acrost the river, he was doctering on several over there,
they thought
him a great Dr, he was acting about as when here. He offered Mr Stout a farm,
said he had bought Uncle Ams(42) house,
paid him the money down & uncle
was going to the nation with him, said he would be at Uncle Sams(43) in
one week, it has now been four or five weeks & he has not come. Well
tuesday was election, had considerable excitement at Westport, some of the
boys got
into a row in the evening. George Asberry(44) was
arrested but only for a little while, no one hurt much. I have been over
to see Matt West(45) , every thing is very nice
but the old place looks lonsome. She is complaining of the neighbors not
visiting her, there has only bin thre to see her.
I will now tell you something about the exposition which was a grand thing,
much nicer than last year, the hall was larger & as full & then they
had an extra hall for pictures paintings music & all such things. Old
Jenison(46) was there, I saw him but could scarcely
bear to look at him, I never felt as much like killing any one in my life,
he had some stock,
one fine race horse but got beet, his wife & daughter drove & got
beat. I will now tell you how I got there, on tuesday evening Mr John Ragan(47) ,
Frank Tate(48) , Dr Hurst of Lone Jack called
on us. On Thursday Tempie(49) & I
went to Westport, friday morning went down to the fair in the street Carr,
that evening Mr N. Green(50) brought Miss T to
Westpost in a buggy, Dr Hurst brought Miss Me, next morning both gentlemen
came with the buggies, took
the ladies to the fair & out home that evening, the Dr staid all night,
Mr Green until eight, since that I have not saw the darling little creature
but hear that he still survives.
You will be surprised that I am alive when I tell you Mr Young (51)is married,
he married Miss White of Kansas City two weeks ago, I never saw her before
they were married. They went & bought there carpets so Mr Withers told
me, he says she is very nice but not very good looking, what a jolly couple
dont I wish it were I (no) not while Harison is on hand & the old lady
says come & stay two or three days. Napoleon(52) is having
that old house where Rollins lived fixed up & is going to live there this winter. The
old lady will not be friendly with them yet. Tell Fleda(53) that
Johny Fry(54) staid here last Saturday night,
had a ring on both little fingers. Matts
babie has been sick. Aunt Rinda went yesterday to see them in the evening,
she started home walking expecting to met someone coming for her but did
not until she got to the cotton wood tree & Jimie walked all the way.
It is now getting late. Tell Bettie(55) that I
want to look my best before Johny(56) , try to
capture him as she is gone.
Today Edgar(57) run off & come all the way over here, went to the gate & called
Wily(58) . Tempy took him home as quick as she
could, found them scared nearly to death & runn down. Matt said Alfred, he ought to have a good
whipping but I am to glad to see him to give it to him, went to feeding him,
said he must be hungry.
How did your provisions hold out. I have not heard from Mrs Cunningham(59) since
she left, she hated to go, said she was coming back Christmas.
[The rest of the letter is missing]
![]() "Washington 3 Cents" |
1870 - 1885 Letters 79- 85
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